Abee, was the school's bad girl. Pranking, causing trouble, and pretty much those stuff.
Jungkook in the other hand, was a major shy guy. He doesn't talk to girls often. In fact, he always try to avoid them in any way.
Well, torture and bad luck...
~Abee's p.o.v~ We finished cleaning and then he left.
"JUNGKOOK WAIT!!!" I shouted.
"Yes?!" He asked.
"What time are we having dinner?!" I asked. "Tonight and I'll pick you up before 6:00!" He said.
"Ok... see you😊" I said. I closed the door and walked upstairs.
I took a shower and when I got out, it was 5:30.
I quickly dried and looked through my closet for anything. I found this and decided that it was the outfit for tonight.
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I looked at myself and decided that to finish it, to put makeup on.
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I had time left, so I turned on the radio.
This song was on. I was excited it was one of my favorite songs😊
The song finished when I heard my door bell ring.
I went to go check who it was...
It was Gun Ho...
"OPEN THE DOOR ABEE! I KNOW YOUR IN THERE!!!" I heard him shout.
I stayed quiet.
"Hey what do you want, run away, it's what you always seem to do-" "excuse me, but my date is in there, so we have to get going." I heard a familiar voice. Jungkook?!
"H-hello... I'm ready for our dinner J-Jungkook." I said opening the door, closing it, pushing Gun Ho out of the way, and walked towards Jungkooks car.
We moved the car but stopped nearby. I wanted to see if he left.
A few seconds later he left and went inside.
We left to go to dinner.
"Table for two please." He said. We sat down and ordered a cheese pizza.
"So should we talk about the project?!" I ask. "Sure why not."
We talked about it until our food came 20 minutes later.
"Mmmmmmm this is so good!" Me and Jungkook said in sync. We laughed our butts off. "I'm serious, this is really good!" I said. "I know right😂" he replied.
We laughed and talked all night.
He paid for dinner, and walked out.
He drove in the opposite direction of my house.
"Jungkook, where are we going?!" I asked. "Somewhere fun" he smirked. "And where exactly is that place?!" I asked. He didn't answer.
A few minutes we stopped... at an arcade...
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We headed over to the basketball hoops. We started playing. He was in the lead until he missed and then I got in front.
Next we went to Flappy Bird and challenged eachother. I SUCKED at that game (a/m/n: I really do suck at it)
After that we went to the games where you can play for prizes. I saw the CUTEST BUNNY STUFFED ANIMAL.
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"OH MY GOODNESS, ITS SO CUUUUUUUUUTE!" I yelled rushing over to the game. I used all my tokens to try and get it, but kept losing. I suddenly punched the game. It didn't hurt, I've punched a wall, so yeah.
"HEY HEY CALM DOWN!" Jungkook told me. He got out all his tokens and played the game. WHAT THE HECK, HE WON THE BUNNY.
"Here you go😊" he said giving me the bunny. I widened my eyes. I took the bunny and hugged Jungkook. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I said still hugging him. He hugged me back...
A/n: well till next time my lovelies. MWAH MWAH! Question: is this a good fanfic, I need honest answers. Also 100 VEIWS!!! I know that's not A LOT but it is to me😂 571 words!