Day Out Pt.2😊

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~Geulujiya's p.o.v~
I wake up. I decided to take a shower.

I got in.

I started washing my hair with shampoo, then paused to think about my existence. Then I continued.

Then I thought of a song which couldn't get out of my head so I decided to sing it.

My voice is horrible (a/m/n: she has a GREAT voice)

"Hey Geulujiya I'm going out today, what are you doing?!" I heard Abee ask.

"I'm hanging with Tae today" I replied.

"Ok, see ya tonight!" She said.

I heard the door close.

I finished. It took me 30 mins. To take a shower since I kept getting distracted.

I got out and dried. I put this on.

I went downstairs and turned on the tv

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I went downstairs and turned on the tv.

I decided to watch my favorite kdrama, One More Time.

I ate my breakfast and checked if there was anything I could do.

*2 hours later*

Knock knock

"Who is it?!" I ask.


*door swings open*

"Come on in!" I said.

I got my stuff and went out the door to see his amazing car.

I got my stuff and went out the door to see his amazing car

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"Oh nice, classic black😊" I said.

He took me to a really nice mall.

When we walked inside, there were lots of people.

He took me to really nice stores. American Eagle and H&M.

We went to get lunch. We had so much fun.

Then he took me to the park and played like children😂.

First we went to the swings. He started pushing me.

Then we went to the jungle gym and ran around like maniacs😂.

Last we went to the slides. "Tae wait at the bottom for me!😊" I asked Tae. So he went to the bottom. I slid down the slide and our faces were inches apart. I started to blush and I noticed, he did as well. We just stayed there.
It was close to nighttime.

"Shall we have dinner?!" He said finally breaking the silence.

"Yes please." I replied.

We got into the car and there was silence.

We got to a fancy restaurant. "Table for two" Tae told the person.

"You two are really cute" she said.

"Oh we're not dating!" I told her.

"OH MY MISTAKE... well at least that means your available😏" she said smirking.

He seemed annoyed with the lady.

"Your seats are ready." The lady said coming back.

"Hello! My name is Joshua, I will be your waiter for today😊!" He said all hyped up and girly. He was Gay, I could tell.

"May I start off with your drinks?!" He asked.

"Yes, coffee please- WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF CREAMER, SO MUCH IT TURNS REALLY LIGHT BROWN!" I told the waiter. "And you sir?!" He asked Tae. "Oh, um, the same please, but not as much creamer😂" he replied.

"Coming right up😊!" He said and left.

"So, Tae, tell me about yourself!" I asked. "Like what?!" He asked. "Like your favorite color?" "I like green" "Oh mine is yellow😊" "My turn... do you like America so far?!" He asked. "Yeah it's pretty nice... I miss home, but I will get use to it😊" I replied. The waiter came back with our drinks. "Gomabseubnida!" We both said. "Are we ready for food now?!" He asked. "Yes, I would like the Beef Cury with Rice and Potatoes." I told him. "And I would like some Japchae😊" Tae said. "Coming right up, enjoy your night!" He said, then left. It was silent again.

Tae had a disappointed expression all of a sudden-

"TAE BEAR!!!!" I heard a girl shriek. "Omg I missed you SO much." She said then came to our table.

" She said then came to our table

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Who was this girl?!

"Um Tae Bear, who's this girl?!" She said glareing at me.

"I told you to not call me Tae Bear! And this is my NEW girlfriend." He said. NEW GIRLFRIEND?!?!?! What the heck is going on.

"No Tae, I thought you still liked me." She said pouting trying to do aegyo. "Sorry but I found someone else. BYE!" He flashed his famous smile and turned back to face me.

"Hmph!" She said and left.

"Who was that?! What do you mean I'm your new girlfriend?! I have so many questions Tae!!" I whined.

"That was just my ex, Tzuyu. We broke up because she cheated, but she still has feelings, so I just had to get rid of her. I hope you don't mind!" He said. "Oh no it's fine."

Our food came and we just kept talking.

When we were done, he took me home. When we got there, Jungkook and Abee were playing Call of Duty.

"Thanks for tonight😊!" I said. "No problem, see you at school." He said. I had church the next day, so I was busy all Sunday, so the next time we would see eachother would be at school.

I went up to bed and slept. Then I remembered how close our face got at the park... I fell asleep smiling.

A/n: YAY IM DONE IVE BEEN WORKING ALL DAY AND I FEEL SO TIRED AND SICK🤢 not because it was about Geulujiya and Tae, it's cuz I'm on the road for a long time and I'm not feeling so well😂 this time you guys can ask me a question, I'm too tired to ask one😂 883 words!

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