Abee, was the school's bad girl. Pranking, causing trouble, and pretty much those stuff.
Jungkook in the other hand, was a major shy guy. He doesn't talk to girls often. In fact, he always try to avoid them in any way.
Well, torture and bad luck...
After me and Jungkook were done hugging, he took me home.
"So Abee, wanna, hang out at school, y'know like, lunch and free period-" "I'd love too😊" I said, cutting him off.
We arrived at my house and he walked me up to the door.
"So, um, bye." Jungkook said.
"Yeah, bye!" I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He was {jung}shook😂.
I walked in my house, leaveing him there.
~Jungkooks p.o.v~ D-did she just kiss me on my cheek?! I asked myself this question a MILLION TIMES before realizing, I was still at her house.
I left her house and went to my car. I started the car and headed home.
I was stop by a man...
It was Gun Ho...
"GET OUT OF YOUR CAR! NOW!!!!!" He yelled. I was so scared that I did as he said, hoping by doing his command, he wouldn't hurt me.
"Good good, hoping I won't hurt you, EY?! Sorry for your luck, but it was better you wouldn't get out, if you decided to stay in there, I would start to think that you were a different person!" He said.
"W-what do you want?!" I asked.
"More like WHO do I want, answer: Abee!" He said.
"Well sorry for you, but we went on a date, and I won her a bunny, we hugged, and she kissed me😊!" I told him.
He pushed me into an alley, and punched me and kept doing it. I had to fight for Abee, so I punched him back. I punched a bunch of times until he fell onto the ground. I ran out and drove away. I drove home, home sweet home.
~morning~ ~Abee's p.o.v~ Me and Geulujiya woke up and got ready for school. This is what I wore.
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I found Geulujiya wearing this.
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We ate breakfast and walked to school. I saw Jungkook and walked over to him.