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After me and Jungkook were done hugging, he took me home.

"So Abee, wanna, hang out at school, y'know like, lunch and free period-" "I'd love too😊" I said, cutting him off.

We arrived at my house and he walked me up to the door.

"So, um, bye." Jungkook said.

"Yeah, bye!" I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He was {jung}shook😂.

I walked in my house, leaveing him there.

~Jungkooks p.o.v~
D-did she just kiss me on my cheek?! I asked myself this question a MILLION TIMES before realizing, I was still at her house.

I left her house and went to my car. I started the car and headed home.

I was stop by a man...

It was Gun Ho...

"GET OUT OF YOUR CAR! NOW!!!!!" He yelled. I was so scared that I did as he said, hoping by doing his command, he wouldn't hurt me.

"Good good, hoping I won't hurt you, EY?! Sorry for your luck, but it was better you wouldn't get out, if you decided to stay in there, I would start to think that you were a different person!" He said.

"W-what do you want?!" I asked.

"More like WHO do I want, answer: Abee!" He said.

"Well sorry for you, but we went on a date, and I won her a bunny, we hugged, and she kissed me😊!" I told him.

He pushed me into an alley, and punched me and kept doing it. I had to fight for Abee, so I punched him back. I punched a bunch of times until he fell onto the ground. I ran out and drove away. I drove home, home sweet home.

~Abee's p.o.v~
Me and Geulujiya woke up and got ready for school. This is what I wore.

I found Geulujiya wearing this

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I found Geulujiya wearing this.

We ate breakfast and walked to school

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We ate breakfast and walked to school. I saw Jungkook and walked over to him.

"HELLO!" I said.

"Hi😊" he replied.

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