Abee, was the school's bad girl. Pranking, causing trouble, and pretty much those stuff.
Jungkook in the other hand, was a major shy guy. He doesn't talk to girls often. In fact, he always try to avoid them in any way.
Well, torture and bad luck...
~Abee's p.o.v~ I woke up to the sound of Geulujiya singing in the shower. She had a great voice.
"Hey Geulujiya I'm going out today what are you doing?!" I asked when she got out.
"I'm hanging out with Tae today." She replied.
"Ok see ya tonight!"
I got dressed into this and left the house.
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I decided to call and asked Jungkook if he wanted to hang with me.
~phone call~
"Hey wanna hang out today?!"
"Sure! Where should we meet?!"
"The dollar store😏"
"Uhm ok see you there"
"Byyyyye kook"
"Bye Bee"
I decided to meet at the dollar store because I wanted to show him what I really am. A Bad Girl😏
"Hey it's about time"I said when I saw him.
"S-sorry" he replied.
"It's ok" "now follow me" I told him.
~Jungkooks p.o.v~ I followed her inside.
She went to the candy area.
She grabbed some Resses and asked what I wanted.
"Is there any Ghana?!" I asked. "Yep k let's go!" We passed by the cashier. Sure no one was standing there, but couldn't we wait?! We went out the door. The alarm went off.
"C'MON LETS GO😂" Abee shouted. We started running. "HEY STOP RIGHT THERE!!!" We heard someone say. Abee just kept running. I ran after her. We ran so fast that we were out of sight. "Jungkook in here!" Abee whisperd. We went into an alley. We could hear footsteps, well they were running, but still. They passed our hiding spot. We waited a few minutes. Then we bursts out laughing. "Ok let's go, here's your candy by the way!" Abee said.
That was surprisingly fun.
We went back to her house.
"I'm sorry for running off last night☹️" I said.
"It's fine."
We started working on our project.
~next day~ ~Abee's p.o.v~
I woke up and saw Jungkook on the floor. What the heck?!
Nothing was a mess so I don't think anyone came over.
Well there was leftover pizza and video controllers on the ground.
My memory started coming back.
~last night~ "Should we order pizza?!" I asked. "Sure why not!" We orders pizza. -well that explains the pizza on the floor- ~later~
"I'm tired, can we do this another time?!" I complained. "OOH LETS PLAY CALL OF DUTY!!!!!"
We started playing. MAN JUNGKOOK WAS GOOD! He got 4000 pointsand I only got 200 since I kept dying☹️. -that explains the controllers-
~reality~ "JUNGKOOK WAKE UP!" I yelled.
"Huh I'm up!" Jungkook said.
"C'mon let's get this place cleaned up!" I told him. He just nodded and started cleaning.
A/n: so next chapter will be all about what happen to Geulujiya and Tae last night (told you Georgia that I'd surely do that for you😊) I hoped you enjoyed. Question, do you think Geulujiya and Tae will date?! 495 words.