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Video is from a movie called Brokeback Moutain. It has two amazing actors in it (RIP Heath Ledger). Start watching from 2:14 and stop at 3:30, I think :) Enjoy! MC x

Adam's P.O.V.

I pried my lips away from Jake's. It felt amazing, and electricity was coursing through my veins. But now was the time to give in to what my brain was telling me. Jake's eyes opened, and his beautiful irises were almost blotted out from his dilated pupils. His eyebrows were raised slightly, and his lips parted in confusion.

"Why did we stop?" he looked at me, a strand of hair falling in front of his face. Raising a hand, I brushed it behind his ear, his soft hair tickling my hands. He cupped my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him.

"Too fast. We're going too fast, we can't do this." I stared into his eyes, loosing myself and trying to find a connection with him. His eyebrows knitted together. He shook his head, and wrapped my golden hair around his hands.

"Do you really think so?" I nodded and took myself off of his lap. I stood up shakily.I left him there, looking lost and confused. I walked for miles while it was raining. I walked into a Starbucks, but he was there. I stumbled back out through the door, and caught a taxi back to the apartment.

I knew I had lied to Jake. I liked Jake, and I like what he did to me. But I could help feeling... something... when he walked in. Did I feel guilty? No. Angry? Probably. Guilty? Well, thinking about it, possibly. For some reason, recently, Danny had been having a strange effect on me. When he punched me, it hurt, but I couldn't hate him, even if I tried. It isn't anything. Just... a phase.

I got out of the taxi, paid the driver and unlocked the door to my apartment. Our apartment. Whatever. I walked through the main room and the kitchen, opened the door to my room and flopped down on the bed. I tried to work out how I felt about Danny. I liked him. As a friend? Pfft. Nope. As a brother? No. Which only left as a lover. But that's not possible. And even if it was, he would never return my feelings. Ever. Only one person who could help me now. I picked up the phone and dialled the number. I rang a few times when it was picked up at the other end.

"Hello? Who's calling?" a soft female voice answered. I grinned.

"Hey Bella. I have a dilemma..." Bella is Vince's sister. She is quite short, chubby, has amazing black hair, freckles, glasses and is extremely clever. She knows more about me than anyone, including Vince. That is because she is one of the most kind and caring people I know. While Vince is nice, he will spill the beans, and I know I can trust Bella not to do that.

"Is it about Danny?" I gasped.

"How do you know?" I whined. It is not possible! She isn't at the school, although she is arriving in a few days.

"Vince told me. He said that you couldn't stop looking at Danny. Vince said he thought you were going to start drooling." I could hear a giggle vibrating down the phone line.Unfortunately, her giggles are very contagious, and soon I was laughing with her.

I wiped my eyes. "What are we even laughing about?" I choked down the line. I could feel her shrugging.

"Who knows? Anyways, what's the problem-mo with Danny?" I sighed. When Bella's heart was set on helping someone, she wouldn't rest until the job was done.

"Basically, I was kissing Jake, and we were getting really into it, and just as it was becoming a make out session, Danny walked in. He walked out again, and ran off. I then stopped kissing Jake (that damn god) and walked out, I don't know why, and then I saw Danny in Starbucks and now I can't stop thinking about him and, Bella, I think I love him." I took a massive breath afterwards, partly because I hadn't breathed the whole time, and partly because I realised I had just admitted that I loved Danny.

There was a pause at the other end as Bella digested what I had just fired at her. I heard her laugh quietly and then: "Who's Jake? Is he hot? Is he single? Does he like you? Is he a good kisser? Could I have him? Can I f-"

I cut her off, as the front door was thrown open, and slammed shut again. "Gotta dash, girlfriend." Was all I said. Just before I put the phone down, I heard her shout "You are so gay!" Down the phone at me. I smiled, and hung up.

I jumped off the bed and locked my door shut. Danny was home. And by the sound of it, he wasn't alone. There were muffled giggles and stifled moans coming from the kitchen. I sighed and lay down on my bed, waiting for them to pass. There was a thunk against my door, and I realised that Danny was getting me back for earlier. I shut my eyes, and thought about how it should be me making Danny moan like that, I should be me that was slammed against the door.

And so, I fell asleep to the sounds of love. I fell asleep just as which ever skank that Danny was with crying out in pleasure and I swear I heard, as Danny had his moment of pleasure, him moaning my name, but that was probably just my dream talking to me.


Ooooo. Oh. Oooooh. Hehe.

I know you guys luv it.

Anyways, I had to think real hard about how to word the end of that chappette.

Watch'all think of Bella, hmmm?

She is a character made from Ylana's beautiful and amazing qualities! Thank you so much, sweetheart, and never stop being my little french teddy-bear :)

SO, next chappie is going to be from Jake's point of view. Did you really all think that a guy that smexy would be single?





MC xx

P.S.  Ylana's page is: YlanaGibert be sure to follow her, coz if you don't, I will hunt you down and kill all of your children O.o

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