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Adam's P.O.V.

I was pulled out of my horrendous Maths lesson by a bored looking receptionist. As I was walking behind them, ideas of why I was being pulled out flooded my head. Had someone died? Been arrested? Taken drugs? We arrived just as my thoughts were getting particularly morbid. The reception lady waved a hand as the student who had brought me, signally to them that they had other jobs to do. She then put her arm round me and said "Don't worry. It's nothing serious." which of course meant that it was serious and I was probably going to cry. Weakling. She handed me a letter, and I stared at it, confused. I didn't recognise the handwriting. I tore it open. This is what is said:

Hi there, Adam.

You are probably wondering where I am, as I didn't turn up this morning for work. The truth is, I will never be arriving in the mornings again. I proposed to Willow last night. You know, the girl that walked in on us, my girlfriend? Yeah, well she said yes, and we are moving to London. Mostly so that she can work more easily. She is a tour guide, you see.

I'm becoming a lecturer somewhere in London. Some university offered, and I said yes. I'm going to lecture medicine! It has good pay, and so does Willow's job. We're hoping to have a kid. I want it to be a cute little girl, but who knows. I'll the love baby no matter what. I'm sorry that I never got to say goodbye to you in person, but Willow means too much to me, I'm afraid.

Goodbye Adam,

Jake Lucas

 I was right. I was going to cry. Although, I didn't realise until I tasted the salty water running down my cheeks. I lowered my head, embarrassed.

"Ah, he warned us that you might do that." the reception lady said, sitting back in her chair and waving to a sofa nearby, indicating I should sit down.

"Who?" I asked, incredulous. Who knew about Jake and I? Her answer shocked me.

"Daniel Parkers. He was the one who thought that you might want to come here to read it, rather than break down in front of the class." I stood up from the sofa, and ran out, straight to the toilets.

*** Half an hour later, in the school boys toilets ***

I heard the door open and close, and I waited for whoever it was to do their business and leave. When they just stood there, I coughed loudly, making sure whoever it was knew I was there.

"Adam?" whispered a soft voice.

"Y-yes?" I replied, stuttering slightly.

"Are you alright?" I didn't know who it was, but whoever it was must be decent, as they had enough courage to come and talk to me, so I unlocked the door and walked out. I was unprepared for who was there.

"Danny?!" I said, completely bewildered. He smiled slightly.

"I'll repeat the question. Are. You. Alright?"

I managed to retain my composure. "Why do you care?" I snarled, suspecting foul play.

He shrugged. "I thought the news about Jake would shock you, and when the lady in reception told me that you were in here, I came straight away."

"Why? To gloat at me for crying?" I said coldly.

"No." He shifted uncomfortably. "I have my reasons."

I laughed loudly, and stared at him openly. I folded my arms across my chest. "Do you mean to tell me that the most popular guy in our year actually knows something about feelings?" I shot at him sarcastically.

He scratched the back of his neck, staring at his feet, as if battling his emotions, if he had any. He looked up, and I saw raw emotion flash through his eyes. Then it went, and his eyes became a green sea clouded by mist.

"Well, whatever you want to tell me, by all means, go ahead." I waved my hands in front of me, acting the ringleader of a circus. In truth, I was nervous. I had never been this close to him, and our proximity was making me uncomfortable.

"I... I care about you!" He blurted out, immediately going red in the face. I smirked at him.

"Hah. As if you're gay." I snarled, wanting to show him that what he had said hadn't effected me, although it had. It had sent shivers down my spine, and made my head spin. He cared about me? Not possible. At all. Never. No way.

He stiffened, and strode towards the door, cold anger showing on his face. I felt my eyebrows knit together, accidentally showing the confusion that I felt inside. I wanted to go to him, tell him everything was fine, and that I was sorry for ever saying that. But I knew it wouldn't make any difference. Just a he flung open the door, he turned, and looked me right in the eyes, his expression hard and cold.

"Yes. I am."

With that, he stormed out, and slammed the door shut behind him, leaving be standing there like a startled deer, my mouth flapping open and shut. As I processed what he had just told me, I sank to the ground and put my head in my hands, the tears returning.

What is happening to me?


Before you all kill me, let me say this:

I've had exams and I've been busy, okay? No? Fine, but be pleased I actually updated, ya?

Okay okay okay, I know it's short and doesn't mean much, but I think that you all need to know what Danny feels like, and this was also a chapter that would explain why Jake isn't going to be in the story anymore :(

Buuuuut Bella is going to arrive in the next chapter, and you are going to meet a girl named Vivienne. (OOOOooOOooooo)

Also, I'm thinking of doing a trilogy of short fanfics: I fell in love with my Teacher/Boss/Doctor (those will be the 3) which will be Jake and Willow, Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane (MALEC <3 ahhh) and Bruce Wayne and someone (haven't yet decided who yet), so tell me whatcha think :)





MC x

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