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Danny's P.O.V.

I felt awful, running away like that. I have always hated the fact that my reputation means having to punch the boy I- No. I can't say it.

Seeing him lying there, helpless, lost, alone, with blood trickling down his unlined face, his eyes unfocused, and low groans coming from his mouth. I know that he hates me, and I know that I should hate him, but I can't bring myself to hate him. No matter how hard I try, every time I look into his eyes, my heart flutters and my pulse speeds up. Every time his low voice speaks my name, I love how he says my name, caresses it. But he doesn't see it that way. He hates me. I know he does.

"Mr Davies! Madame Lefon! Miss Belle! Someone! Anyone?" a voice was yelling down the hallway. Shit. Vincent. That friend of Adam's. He was calling for a teacher. Time to leave. Just as I was about to walk into the chemistry lab, Mr Davies, our deputy head, grabbed my shoulder, a stern look on his face.

"You and I need to have a little chat, I think, Daniel." Caught. I bet that little meatball, Vincent, did this. I'm gonna f**k him up so bad. I am gonna make him regret the day he was-

"This way, Daniel." Mr Davies pointed into his office. Bum. A detention. With Mr Davies. At least if it had been Miss Belle, I could have flirted my way out of it, like I normally did. But Mr Davies knew what I am capable of, and therefore decided to supervise me himself.

"I'm not going to make you do anything, I'm too tired, Daniel. But you must not speak, you must not fidget. You may do some homework if you like. But no noise for the next hour." Hour? F**k.

So I obeyed. I thought about a boy with long blonde hair, and full lips, and sky blue eyes. The boy I think I love.

I have been in love with Adam for as long as I can remember. When I first joined the school, he was the first guy I saw. And it was like I had died and gone to heaven. And that's when I realised I was gay. But only for this guy. The first words I said to him were 'if you want to be popular like me, ditch the meatball'. I said this when I had noticed Adam hanging around with Vincent. Adam had looked me straight in the eye and replied sourly: 'if I wanted to be like you, all I would need to do is buy some Heroin (A/N: spelling?) and get high every morning.' And from that moment, I thought he was the most beautiful boy I had ever met. He was fiery, intelligent, sexy, attractive, rebellious, wonderful, fantastic etc etc - need I go on?

I had just immersed myself in my favourite fantasy - which involved chocolate, strawberries, a wall, Adam and myself - when I my reverie was broken by a tall, skinny man coming in. I eyed him thoughtfully. Green hair, a Pink Floyd shirt, tight jeans. He was attractive. I mean, I wouldn't go for him, but I think I could understand if anyone found him hot.

"You asked to see me, sir?" he said hesitantly. Mr Davies raised his head and looked at the man with a curious look on his face. "And you are...?" he asked. The man blushed slightly and answered "Jake. I'm the new guy who is working in the school infirmary."

"Ah. The rookie. I've got a fun job for you on your first day..." replied Mr D sarcastically.

I put my head back in my hands and attempted to indulge myself in the fantasy again. I had just gotten to my favourite part - let's just say that Adam and I have seen where the sun don't shine (A/N: Ohhhhh!!!) - when I heard my name. I lifted my head groggily and opened my eyes. "Hmmm?"

"Daniel, Jake here is going to take you to the infirmary so you can apologise to Adam."

Oh great. Just my luck. I get escorted by the sexy guy to see the ultimate god of sexiness. Yay.


Hey everyone!

It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes (don't. please don't).

What do y'all think of that then? Do you ship them? I do.

Okay. Goals:



By the way, first commented gets the chapter dedicated to them and also becomes a part in the story, so be sure to write whoever you want to be friends/girlfriend/boyfriend with and what you want your name to be and what you want to look and be like.

I may even add more than one if I reach my goals and if I am feeling generous.

Have fun, my little seagulls!!!






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