Adam (again, sorry)

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Ylana - please message me about any French that needs correcting. Actually, that goes for everyone :)

Adam's P.O.V.

"Bella! Bella! Bella! Sis! Hey! Bella! Rosabella!" I turned in the corridor and saw Vince yelling at the top of his voice. I stood and watched for a moment, and then decided to go and see what the fuss was about.

"Vince. Cool it. Calm down." He spun round and looked at me. He was breathing heavily, and his fists were clenched. "Why were you yelling, and who's Rosabella?"

"I saw Bella, and I was trying to get her to come here. She's completely ignoring me. Oh, and Rosabella is Bella's full name-"

"I'd rather you not tell anyone else though. It's not easy having an unusual name." interrupted a cool female voice. I turned my head, and saw a round face with freckles and glasses framed by thick black hair staring back at me. Bella was wearing a long jumper with a fluffy owl on it, and black leggings with some small purple pumps on her feet.

"Bella!" I shouted, and picked her up. I hadn't seen her in a couple of months, as she had been at a boarding school in France, but she just transferred here, and I could not tell you how happy I was. Just seeing her wide grin and mischievous eyes made me laugh and hug her half to death.

"Can't... Breathe... Need... Air..."

"Oh, right. Sorry. Forgot about the whole breathing thing." I grinned at her sheepishly, feeling my cheeks heat up. She rubbed her chest gingerly, and readjusted her glasses.

"It's okay. It's just a necessity that the human race need to turn oxygen into carbon dioxide, so it was nothing important." She gave me a wink, and then turned her cheeky gaze onto her brother. "Who were you shouting at? I was in the ladies, so whoever it was wasn't me."

Vince's eyes widened, and his cheeks reddened considerably. He pointed a quivering finger at a tall girl walking towards us.

"Pardonnez-moi, mais avez-vous vu ..." her tinkling French voice caught my attention immediately, even though she was talking to a group just to the left of us."Adam Ericsson? Il est mon cousin, et je me demande si vous le connaissez."

"Bugger off, bitch. I've got no flippin' clue what you're on about." came the rude reply. She just shrugged, and turned to move on, but I caught her shoulder.

"Excuse me, but I think you're looking for me. My name is Adam Ericsson. Je m'appelle Adam Ericsson." Her eyes lit up, and she literally threw herself at me in a torrent of French.

"Adam! Mon cousin! Je vous ai tellement manqué, et j'ai pensé que vous peut-être pas venu à cette école, que vous aviez déménagé et tout le monde a été tellement désagréable juste parce que je suis français!"  I grinned at Bella's raised eyebrows, knowing that she could understand evey word the girl was saying. As the girl untangled herself from my being, I motioned to Bella that she should intervene, and see if the girl could speak English, as my French wasn't bad, but quite rusty.

"Excusez-moi, mademoiselle. Parlez-vous anglais?" said Bella, taking the girl's intense gaze away from me. The girl nodded and shrugged her shoulders.

"Y-yes, I do, alzough eet ees not very good. 'owever, I do understand uzzer peepol." Her pretty voice was elegant, and her English sounded good and confident, although she seemed to have to concentrate a lot.

"What's your name, and who are you, then?' I asked, speaking slowly to make sure she got the message.

"My name ees Vivienne Pepin. Adam, you are my cousin-"

"Vivienne?!" I cried, curling my arms around her and giving her a huge bear hug. I then held her at arms length, and looked at her. She had remarkable pink hair in a cute curled style with a block fringe. She was wearing a loose Superman crop top, with skin-tight khaki trousers and large combat boots on her feet. She looked nothing like the cousin I remembered from 5 years ago.

Then I looked at her face, and I saw the same twinkling blue eyes and rosebud mouth.

"Oui. Vivienne ees my name. I saw you about 5 years ago, in Cornwall. 'ow are you getting along? Are my tante and oncle getting on well?"

"I've missed you a lot, Vivienne! My mama and pappy are getting on really well. As for me, I'm fine, although I am getting a bit of trouble from-"

My rant was interrupted by the bell ringing loudly. We all walked to class, taking our desks when we got there. Our first lesson was French taken with Madame Lefon. She was a middle aged widow who was kind on those who tried hard. I knew that Vivienne and Mme Lefon would get on like a house on fire.

As Vivienne walked in, she passed Danny's desk. He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. She flushed angrily, and grabbed him by the lapels.

"You leezen 'ere. I am not a leetle gerl zat 'ou can play wiz venever 'ou feel like eet. I do not trust men like 'ou." She spat in his face and moved away. He shook his head, regaining composure. A customary smirk appeared on his beautiful, soft, talented, tasty, god how I want t- lips. I didn't want to know what he was thinking about. Revenge, probably.

Meanwhile, Vivienne waltzed past me, on her way to speak to the teacher. She leant down, and whispered: "'o was eet zat 'ou where 'aving problems wiz?"

I put my head in my hands, keeping his beautiful face out of my head.



Hi everyone!

This is shorter than I wanted it to be, but I cba to do anymore. And I managed to get everything I wanted in to it, so I'm good.





(jk ily England)

(seriously, I mean it.)

(I actually love England)



MC x

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