Author's goodbye

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Hey guys, it's me again. I'm not sure how many people still read this, or if it's in anybody's reading lists anymore.

I just want to thank every single one of you who have read my one shots and got it this far.

As some of you know, writing has been my entire life since I was twelve years old. I never thought a piece of mine would ever be this big or this successful.

Remember how every story has it's own happy ending in some way?

I promise you. If you're going through anything right now, it gets better. My parents are no longer together, but my dad and I are closer than we have ever been. All the abuse stopped, my dad quit drinking, cleaned up his act and even though I screwed up the wifi today and made him mad and he yelled at me, I love him. He's my dad and I'll always be his little girl.

My birthday is on the 29th and I'm also getting my tongue pierced that day! I'm super excited to be 18, even though when I was depressed that was the day I vowed to end everything. You guys have helped me through countless issues and made me a stronger person, and for that you all deserve gold medals.

You're all beautiful, and you're all worth every penny on this planet. I promise. <3

I love you all so much, I know I haven't updated this story in god knows how long but don't ever think I forgot about you. I check this story every single day and see every single comment. Thank you, each and every single one of you from the bottom of my heart. You're my second family, and I'll never forget you.

For the final time, goodbye guys! I'll love you forever, and that's a promise



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