Chapter 5

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Macy's POV

Wow! School is awesome! Anyway, it's now free period, so I have two hours all to myself. This would be a perfect time to go talk to Merlok!

Getting off my computer, I stood up and walked to the royal wizard's library. There I found Merlok.

"Hey Merlok." I mumbled. Merlok chuckled.

"Now, now, you are not in trouble." He pointed out. "I just need you to tell me about that key you gave Cayden." I breathed a sigh of relief that I wasn't gonna get punished.

"Oh, that key." I said. "It's really his, because I saw it fall out of his pocket in the hall before the whole fight. I just wanted to return it to him." He sighed, then went up to the shelf behind him and pulled on a stray book. Instantly, I heard a lever pull and gears clink, and a small door appeared. I gasped. Merlok nodded.

"This is a secret compartment, Macy." He claimed. "You must not tell anyone." I nodded.

"I won't, I swear." I promised him. He sighed, and we walked through the door. I gasped.

Books. Millions of them. But that was not all. Their covers had intricate writings on them, and they seemed to glow. Seeing a glowing, leaf green book, I picked it up and read the cover.

"The Secret Garden." I read. Flipping through the pages, I stopped when I reached a page talking about the key to the Secret Garden, and nearly dropped the book in the process. The key. . .

It was the exact same key I gave back to that kid.

I turned to Merlok, eyes wide as saucers. He nodded and beckoned for me to read the next pages. I flipped to the next pages only to see that they were blank, and a silver box with intricate carvings and emerald decorations rested in the book. Shrugging, I picked up the container and put it on the ground. Merlok used the end of his staff to flick open the hatch. I gasped at what was inside;

 I gasped at what was inside;

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"No. *Bleep*ing. Way." I stuttered in shock walking towards it with my book. It was glowing a faint grass green as I neared it. Looking back at the book, I found that the page before it said 'Diadem Of Life'. I read the text;

'The Diadem Of Life is a circlet of intricate gold designs and swirls, emeralds at the edges. The distinct carvings and patterns of the leaves make the diadem look like it is part of a plant, or is living life. This diadem can only be worn by the one Nature's Blessing chooses. It is not a key to find the secret garden, but to rather protect and empower, as seeing that if the Chosen One wears it, they will unlock their Guardian form. This diadem can also amplify any abilities that one has, such as speed and strength. When this diadem glows a faint green, it means that someone who was in contact within the last twenty-four hours of the Chosen One is nearby. If it glows an intense green, that means that it is someone with magic abilities or the power to wield a single element, such as the Elemental Masters of Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water and Earth in Ninjago or the Senseis of Destruction or Creation. If it glows a gold color, then that means that the Chosen One is within a parameter of six yards, or eighteen feet. If it glows a pure gold, then that means that the Chosen One is in the exact same room with it. Most have tried to track Nature's Blessing with the diadem, but have failed, as seeing that it's abilities to sense when Nature's Blessing will only unlock after the Chosen One has used 'King's Nature'.' I read. King's Nature? What was that? Flipping through the pages, I found it, and read it.

'King's Nature,' It said. 'Is an intense move that will have a glowing eagle of golden light shoot out of the user's palm and blast the target or victim into the air far away. This move is extremely difficult, and no Chosen One except the latest, Fairy Ivy of the Secret Garden. There are rumors that the destined Ultimate Spinjitzu Master, AKA the Green Ninja, is the next Chosen One, but it has never been proven. This is the second most powerful move that Nature's Blessing can conjure.' Wait, second? Then what was the first?

Just then, the horn blared for dinner. I turned to Merlok, hesitant to ask. I did not need to.

"Yes, you may borrow the book." He said, answering my question. "Just make sure not to let others see. And keep an eye out for Cayden for me. Who knows; he may be Lloyd." I cocked my head.

"Who's Lloyd?" I asked. Merlok sighed.

"Lloyd is the identity of the Green Ninja, I can presume." He told me. "He was the son of a man named Lee Garmadon, although his father is more commonly known as Lord Garmadon back then."

"Who was his mother?" I asked. Merlok muttered inaudibly. "What did you say?" I asked again. He sighed.

"He is the son of Wanda Moorington, a witch." He explained.

"That witch was my younger sister."

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