Chapter 13

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Macy's POV

I ran into the school with Nya, my golden compass open and tracking the Green Ninja, the person right out there. Just then, the pointer spun northeast. We followed where it was going and came across Room 2308.

Cayden's room.

Now it was clear that Cayden was Lloyd. There was no doubt about it.

Nya knocked on the door. One, two, three, four. . .

"Come in!" Cayden's voice shouted from inside. I opened the door to reveal Cayden in a blue sweatshirt and jeans.

"We know you're Lloyd." Nya and I said simultaneously. Cayden paled.

"H-How di-did y-you know?" He stammered, panicking. I showed him the compass, whose golden needle shone with golden aura. Cayden's eyes widened.

"The heck did you get two shards of the Golden Weapons?" He muttered. Nya smiled.

"Through Zane, Cole, and me." She stated. "I'm not Samurai X and they Ninja for nothing." Cayden sighed and closed the door behind us.

"Guess you know now." He stated, flopping onto his bed and taking off his illusion. My jaw dropped.

His hair smoothed down from chestnut hedgehog hair to butter blonde locks, one lock grass green. His skin paled from tan to pale beige, freckles dotted his face, and his eyes turned from their average cobalt blue to a shining emerald green. He sighed.

"The one reason I ran away is because my father attacked me near the Snowcap Mountains." He explained, his voice an octave higher than what I was used to hearing. "Apparently the Secret Garden is here, so I came to find it and protect it." Nya sighed.

"Your dad's trying to unleash the Tech Infection again, isn't he?" She asked. Clay nodded sullenly.

"My mother was the first to get infected last time it was unleashed." He stated. "Which is horrible, because now I have two evil parents." I cocked my head.

"Who told you this? Because clearly you did not read up on this stuff." I stated, placing my hands on my hips. Just then, a telepathic voice echoed through my conscious.

Me, kiddo.

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