Chapter 18

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Axl's P.O.V.

Oh, crap!

The whole entire school board is in a frenzy because they saw Cayden, who goes by Clay now, getting kidnapped through the security cameras! And that Richmond boy chasing after him! The friggin' Richmonds are threatening to sue the whole entire school if we don't find him! Why would someone kidnap a kid anyway when that kid was an orphan? It's not like he—

Oh, wait.

We found out before the others that he was Garmadon's son.


"Axl?" Aaron asked. "You okay? Nya wants to talk to us. In private." I nodded and followed him to the library where Nya and Macy were, stressing out. Both of them were good friends of Clay's and were devastated he was kidnapped. Nya sighed.

"There's something I need to tell you." She stated. "I know who kidnapped Clay. And why." Aaron leaned in.

"Tell us!" He begged. She nodded solemnly.

"Clay is Lloyd Garmadon, son of evil. That man was Kai, my brother. And he thinks by destroying Lloyd he'll become the Green Ninja."

Lloyd's POV

"NOOOO!!!" I cried, rugby tackling Kai and accidentally impaling my arm against the spikes on his shoulder. he quickly kicked me off, but I twisted and landed on my feet like a cat, then swiped at his face. he winced as five newly-extended claws slashed a claw mark against his cheek, then lunged for me. I winced as one of his daggers slashed at my other arm, and clawed him in the shoulder with my other hand, then rammed him in the gut with my elbow.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted, kicking him in the nose. He growled and swung his sword at me rapidly, slashing me the first four or five times, but I dodged with a backflip and tackled him to the ground, kicking away his sword. Taking my hand, I grabbed his neck and pinned him down, his face slowly turning blue.

"Do you yield?" I asked, holding him there as blood dripped down my lip from busting it when I tackled him. He shook his head.

"Not gonna. . . lose. . . I am. . . the Green. . . Ninja!" He croaked out, wheezing for air. I tightened my grip, and his face turned purple.

"Do. You. Yield?" I growled, fangs poking out of my mouth. He nodded, and I threw him into a tree, releasing my grip as he gasped for air and massaged the bruises I had given him on his neck. I glared at him dizzily.

Then I collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

Lance's P.O.V.

"Clay!" I shouted, running over to him and picking his head up. His breathing was shallow and sudden, his face pale like snow as his wounds pooled crimson. Too much crimson. This was bad.

"It's okay bud, you're gonna be okay," I murdered to him, picking him up albeit with difficulty, and running, but was stopped when I heard a plea behind me.

"Wait. . ." The man started. "I-I'm sorry. . . But please. . . Don't leave me here. . ." I glared at him.

"You tried to kill him!" I shouted back, infuriated. "Clay—no, Lloyd— has never done anything evil you to! He fought you to protect me! He fought his father to protect the school! He risked everything for others, and here you are, trying to kill him! And now he might die, because of you!" The man coughed.

"I tried to kill him because my home is in danger." He croaked out. "Ninjago. . . The Serpentine are attacking mercilessly, and we need our Green Ninja to awaken. It is none of the others, so it had to be me. That's why I tried to kill the boy. I thought that by killing. . . Killing the son of evil. . . I would unlock my potential and save my family. . . Please. . . Let me help him. . ." I sighed, seeing Lloyd was losing too much blood, and nodded.

"Fine." I stated. "But if this is a trap, I will not hesitate to attack you." He shakily stood up and reached for the sword. Instantly, it was encased in flames and it flew into his hand, and he spun it to crate a torrent of flames that surrounded him, and I gasped.

In his place was a fiery red jet, him in the front seat. He opened the hatch and gestured to the two empty rows behind him.

"Hop in!" He shouted, his voice scratchy. I clambered over and and placed Lloyd in the far corner, then set next to him. He instantly took off, flying through the sky at an unbelievable speed. I quickly patched up Lloyd's wounds from the battle with a med kit I found under the seat, watching as he flew to what seemed like a meaningless mountain, then paled.

"We're gonna crash!" I shouted, panicking. He shook his head.

"No we're not!" He shouted, accelerating at breakneck speed. Suddenly, just as we were about to slam into the towering rock, a flash of blue lights appeared, and I found us all in a different land, landing near where a flying ship was parked. He quickly deconstructed the vehicle back into his weapon, leaving me to carry Lloyd, then helped me to the ship.

"My friends. They'll help you." He stated, knocking on the door of the cabin on deck. Immediately, three figures lunged out the wooden structure, dog-piling the man in red. I winced. Ouch.

"Kai! Where were you? You had us all worried!" The one in blue cried, hugging him. The one in black laughed, adding to the hug.

"Probably trying to find Nya." He stated. The white one gasped.

"Guys! Let go of him! He's injured!" He cried, examining the gashes along the man's—Kai's—legs. The other two gasped and clambered off of Kai to help him up, but he shrugged them off and turned to me.

"They need help! It's an emergency!" He croaked, picking up Lloyd gently from my arms. The younger blonde was rasping for air, paler from before, blood soaking the bandages I placed on his gashes. They all quickly rushed him inside into the ship, me hot on their tails. Just then, an old man resembling Merlok appeared, crossing his arms.

"What happened—" He began, but stopped when he saw Lloyd in Kai's arms. "Lloyd! Get him in the infirmary, now! Zane, tend to Lloyd and treat his wounds! Kid, come with me!" The four nodded before rushing into the hall, and I followed the old man into a separate room.

"What is this place? Where am I?" I asked. "Who were they?" The old man sighed.

"Those four were my pupils, the Ninja. You are in Ninjago, and this is our HQ, the Bounty." He explained. "I am Sensei Wu, teacher of the Ninja. Also, Lloyd's uncle. Now, who are you?"

"Lancelot Sol Richmond. From Knighton." I informed him. "I'm a student at Knight's Academy, and I used to. . . Bully Lloyd. He disguised himself as a boy named Cayden Moorington, or rather, Clay. I only figured out who he was a few nights ago, when my parents sent me information on him and wanted me to join his father, and I refused to join Garmadon. Then I went to check up on Lloyd, and I saw him getting kidnapped by Kai. He was knocked out and wouldn't wake up, and I tried to free him, but Kai caught me. Suddenly, Lloyd jolted awake and just lunged for Kai with—don't ask me how he had them, I have no idea either—his claws outstretched, and gave him those wounds. Kai then took us here to help." Sensei Wu nodded.

"I see." He replied. "And I feared this would happen. Tell me, did Lloyd have fangs?"

"Yes." I mumbled, thinking of the vicious two fangs that had poked out of Lloyd's teeth like knives, and shivered. "But I don't want to think of them." The old man sighed.

"Oh, dear." He said, a look of fear and upset on this face. Uh-oh.

"Lloyd has tapped into one of his most dangerous powers. And now they might come looking for him."


You seeing where I'm going with this? Eh, eh?

Look back at Chapter 17, where Lloyd had the dream.

Then look back at Chapter 16, where Lance was reading about Lloyd.

Then think back to the tale of the Oni and the Dragon.

You see?

Comment below what you think will happen.

But let's just say they will come. ;)

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