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Yes! My dad just replaced the screen protector, so I am saved and the updates can go as planned. Also, I found out why the school won't let us use backpacks;

Kids smuggle weapons and drugs in them.

Literally. I heard a rumor once at my old school, Bang Elementary, that some kid tried to smuggle some kind of knife in his bag and another kid some pills. No wonder they won't let us use our backpacks. I can see why now; the Hamilton bags are small enough to point out guns, knives, and drugs smuggled inside since you can't fit all that in with your binders. But the normal backpacks. . .

Actually, once I hid a stuffed animal and brought it to school in my bag at Bang.

Now I get it.

Some people could use there kids to smuggle guns and drugs through the school to earn cheap bucks, and not get the blame placed on them. It's low.

So, now I have to use my locker but my screen is no longer cracked so yay! ^w^

That's all, and I'm doing a new book!

Bye Felicia!

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