Episode 1E

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"We're going to get changed and rinse off! Meet us by the front of the school." Miko looked at you sympathetically, wondering if you would start to hate Miki like she did. At least you could bond over that. She'd have to ask you.

"O-Okay!" A little bit bummed that Akira didn't have anything to say to you as he let go of your hand and left, you sulked to the front of the school building and waited there. Luckily, Akira was purposefully very quick and came out to have a moment alone with you.

As you leaned against the big stone column that marked the school property entrance, he placed he hand over you and leaned in close.

"Did you enjoy your first day of school?" He asked as he closed the space in between you both.

"Great because I had you." You leaned forwards as you touched your lips to his.

The kiss deepened, with Akira wrapping his arms around your waist and you resting your hands on his thin chest. His tongue danced against your lips, begging for entrance, which you would have happily given.

Except an annoyed Miko cleared her throat behind Akira, causing both of you to nearly jump out of your skins.

"Oh, there you are!, Save it for home, you two. Miki's on her way out." Miko scolded you both, but without a seriously annoyed look on her face. Miki showed up here and everyone began walking."

"My parents would buy you a cell phone, you know." Miki said to Akira, while you walked next to Miko, feeling left out. "Don't always be so nervous around them!"

"I won't use it much anyways." He sighed. You sighed even louder. It would have been really nice for you if Akira got a cell phone. Then you wouldn't have to tap on his window.

"You could join the group chat for our class and for our track club." Miki pushed.

Yeah and you could text your girlfriend.

"Oh, and clear the history when you watch porn on my dad's computer." She added in.

"What?! You're watching stuff like that in the living room?" Miko looked surprised, while you blushed for Akira.

Suddenly, Miki dropped back.

"I gotta do something. I'll go through the back roads." She said as she walked in a different direction.

"I know you'll probably take a car, but it's dangerous downtown! So be careful!" Miko shouted. Even if she was jealous of Miki, she still cared about her.

"I won't be home late!" She called out. "See ya!"

"Okay, bye!" Miko yelled back "Fudo, we should try and--" But you were already talking to him.

"Do you want to come home wi-- Oh, fine, just go after her. I'll see you later, I guess." You began but quickly changed your line as you noticed Akira worrying about Miki.

"Thanks!" He smiled at you, turned and ran off after her, leaving you and Miko in the dust.

"Do you want to come home with me?" Miko asked you, hoping you'd say yes.

"Well actually, I'm meeting my brother really soon. Maybe tomorrow?" You asked nicely.

"Oh fine. I guess I'll just head home." Miko rolled her eyes, smiled and took off.

You looked down at your phone, which had just received a text.

Onii-san: I'll be picking you up within the next few minutes. Just stay where you are.

You texted him back swiftly.

Imōto: Of course, big brother! So excited to seeyou! <3 :)

You've Changed (Akira Fudo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now