Episode 5A

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Akira was in full demon form for the next hour or so, demolishing all the demons in his path. You clung to Ryo as he recorded it all on tape.

"He's really taking out his anger..." You whispered.

"Probably better here than on you." Ryo mentioned off-handedly.

"Eh..." You weren't scared of Akira. Not at all. And you wouldn't have minded having some of that frustration taken out on you... sexually.

Ryo rolled his eye at you, but rotated to kiss your head.

"Are you sure you'll be okay if I stay with him for the night?" You asked. "You've been kind of clingy lately."

"Well, I love you." He turned back to the camera. "Additionally, you are the demon clinging on to me."

"We could've been husband and wife this time, you know. Instead of siblings." You mentioned.

"What?" He scrunched his forehead at you, having no clue what he was talking about.

"Nothing. You'll get it later." You rolled your eyes back but kept hugging him. It was so irritating, Ryo's amnesia. No one understood what you were going through and it was a bit isolating. Especially since you thought you knew what the outcome would be this time.

Once he was finished, Akira let out a roar and turned towards you. Giving you a large smile, he opened his arms to you and morphed back to a more humanoid form. Happily, you ran into his arms and he flung you onto this back.

"Got any plans tonight, cutie?" He joked, trying to keep a positive attitude.

"Going home with my best lover." You kissed his hair as you all went back to Ryo's car.

"Your only lover." He set you down as he entered the car first: you were going to have to ride on his lap again.

"Eh." You smirked mischievously as he whipped his head around with a worried look.

"Why, you-- Come here!" He saw your face and understood that you were teasing, quickly wrangling you into the car, onto his lap.

"Alright you two, please don't make me suffer through the same thing twice in one day. Pants on, if you will." Ryo got into the car and quickly drove to Akira's house.

Once you arrived, both you and Akira exited the car. You waved goodbye to Ryo and as your brother drove off, Akira picked you up and jumped up to his room's balconey.

"Stay in here for a second." He mentioned to you as he heard Miki's door open.

You sat at the doorway, listening to his conversation.

"Miki!" He hung upside down. "You're awake."

"Akira, are you a ninja now?"

You giggled at her question. He was kind of like that.

"Using the door would wake everyone up." He blurted out an excuse.

Normally, it would have been whatever that he was talking to Miki. You weren't that possessive. Akira could talk to whoever he wanted to. But because he was was only kneeling to hang off the balcony, you noticed a very obnoxious bulge growing. One that wasn't from you. And his pheromones were so strong, they almost knocked you over. Why bother bringing you home if he was just going to lust over Miki? You were bitter, even though he couldn't control it.

"Akira," She continued, unknowingly. "You've changed since that guy Ryo came. Going out late is okay, but my parents will worry if it's this late. Just let me know if you need anything."

Out of spite, you shoved him off the balcony.

You've Changed (Akira Fudo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now