Episode 5H

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"Wake up, Amon!" Sirene screeched. "Embrace me. Make love to me! Strong... and hard!!"

"Make love?... The only person I'll make love with is my darling YN. The demon Persephone." Akira's eyes were glowing white, and his arm was torn off. It was quite the disturbing sight. "No more selfish talk." Sirene's disembodied leg flew towards him. "You kill the people who embraced me."

Her leg was right behind him and you couldn't help but scream out to warn him, however futile that was. But Akira had Amon's skills. He knew exactly what was coming and he jumped.

"You!" Akira roared out as he watched Sirene's own talons penetrate her body. Blood exploded from her mouth.

"How dare you!?" She shrieked.

"I won't make love with you... but if you want to get fucked that badly..." Akira granted that wish via fucking up her body. With his own claws he ripped her face and arms from her body. And then he actually fucked her. "I'll fuck you."

"Don't look, baby sister." Ryo tried to step in front of you, he tried to help out his best friend. But you had seen. And you were seething.

"Take me the fuck home, Ryo."

"YN, we should really wa-" Ryo wanted to see how this ended.

"TAKE ME THE FUCK HOME, LU-RYO" You pulled back at the last second, knowing that now was not the time to dredge up Ryo's memories.

"Fine. Let's get in the car that Akira and I left here. He's probably going to die anyway." Ryo mentioned blandly.

But you didn't care. You didn't care at all. So you and Ryo got in the car and you began the drive home. Ryo however, wasn't dumb. He was definitely going to pick up his demon. That meant he drove slowly and straight towards Akira, who at this point had been shot out of the sky with what appeared to be lightning. He hoped that you wouldn't notice, and in your blind rage, it didn't seem like you did. Simply being in the car was enough for the moment.

As Ryo drove towards what now looked like an absolute nightmare, he wondered how he should explain it to you, or if he should just get out, grab the demon and go. Clearly, you wouldn't be too happy either way since he was going to have to put Akira in the car.

"Just go get him. I know what you're thinking; 'if he fucked Sirene, maybe he'll fuck me too.' It doesn't matter anymore. You can have him. I don't want him after this." You read his mind.

"Don't say that, baby sister. I'm sure he had his reasons. Perhaps if you just--"

"Stop. Not tonight. At the very least, he is all yours tonight."

As Ryo pulled up to the scene of the epic fight, it looked as if perhaps Akira would die. But that didn't put Ryo in any kind of rush. Calmly, he walked over to the sprawled out, half torn apart demon.

"Akira? Get a hold of yourself." He held him closely in his arms. "Akira."

"Am I alive?" Akira asked, dumbly.

"Barely. And definitely not if my little sister had her way. I'm not too happy either." But Ryo was forgiving. He raised a drink of some sort up to Akira's lips. "Drink this."

"Ryo," Akira began after finishing his drink. "Why are you both here?"

You've Changed (Akira Fudo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now