Episode 2G

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"Devilman..." Akira put his hand in his face. "The fact that I can still contain a human heart might be a coincidence. If I start hurting people like a devil, kill me right away. If I start to hurt other people, just like Fikira, I'll choose death."

Suddenly, dinner was served by Jenny, Ryo's secretary. Akira looked confused and smelled turned on.

"She's my secretary, Jenny. It's okay."

You glared at him from behind Ryo. Quickly, he shoved his hands onto his crotch.

"She's way too erotic." Akira complained. But then, he smelled the food deeply.

"It's for you." Ryo confirmed. "You need a lot of energy to fuel that body of yours. Especially if you want to properly apologize to our little Persephone here."

"Don't call me that." You mumbled. You never liked to be called by your demon name. You chose a new name every time you started again.

"Are you sure?!" Akira licked his lips as Ryo nodded.

"Honestly, it's mostly veggies at Makimura's place, so it hasn't been enough. This body is amazing."

I know. You grumped as you hugged Ryo tightly.

"It might have more speed and power than the bike." Akira continued.

"You should refuel at my place as much as possible from now on." Ryo smiled. This was for both his and your profit, seeing as he had moved you into his apartment. Both of you wanted to see Akira more. "There's something I want you to do with that body of yours."

Akira looked at Ryo oddly for just a moment before being absorbed back into his meat.

Once he finished, he looked at his cellphone to see what time it was.

"Damn it. I have to get back to Makimura's for dinner. Can I come back after?" He stood up abruptly.

"Depends if my precious Imōto forgives you by then."

"And don't count on it." You snapped at him.

He frowned and decided just to leave things where they were. He definitely didn't want to be late for dinner. As he left the room, Ryo laid back down with you on the bed.

"So he was as fast as a demon, eh?" He asked as he stroked your hair, comfortingly.

"Yeah. I'm surprised people weren't more astounded."

"Hmm. Interesting. Anything else you notice that I haven't seen?"

The thought popped into your head almost randomly.

"Why does he have so much... you know... stuff when he finishes now?"

Ryo laughed out loud at this.

"From the research I've done so far, it's because demons actually have an incredibly difficult time reproducing. Which is why I'm not concerned about it. That's just one of the methods that try to compensate for that fact."

"Oh. Weird, I guess. Hey, big brother?" You laid your head against his chest. "Do you think he'll come back tonight?"

"I don't know, little sister."

"Hey, big brother?"


"Do you remember anything yet?"

"No. But I'm trying."


"Big brother?"

Ryo breathed out a tired sigh. This could go on for ages.

"Yes, little sister?"

"I love you. But not like Akira. Can I have him this time?"

"He's Amon now. And you know how I feel about Amon."

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