Chapter - 7: The Reunion.

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So the rest of the week passed without any trouble. The office works got harder and I almost forgot about my dad.

Although, Mr. Alvarez's behaviour got weirder. We kept having lunch in different fancy restaurants. And Mr. Alvarez never talks about anything but work. But one day, He just asked me out of nowhere what my favourite color was. I mean, I don't know what's happening to him but its scary.

Finally, it was the weekend. Normally in weekends, me and Peyton would do fun stuff. Like: ordering junk food and binge watch old TV series, Go to online shops and put every dress we like in the cart but never buying them, Stalk Peyton's niece's high school math teacher just cause she doesn't like him ( Peyton and I are very generous, god bless us) and so on.

On some occasion, we'd go shopping but we already did that a few days go.
But, This weekend, Jenna had arranged a get together of our group in college. I was excited for this because I haven't seen my college friends since forever.

So, after a fun day of binge watching "Friends" and eating pizzas with Peyton, I decided to go watch the sunset. Although, I was thinking about skipping the meal, know.

Peyton was still napping when I got out of the apartment. I thought I should walk to the park, hoping that it would help me feel 'less-full-of-pizza'.

I reached the park and sat down on the bench. I took out my phone. Approximately, 11 minutes till sunset.
So, I kept staring at the horizon.

The moment before sunset.

It looked like heavens had opened its doors to give human a peak of the beauty of that place. Maybe in the hopes that people would actually want to live in that kind of beauty after death and would commit less sins. But, if everyone in this world would care about beauty, I wonder if the word 'evil' would exist.

"Beautiful. "

I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't realise that someone had sat beside me. So, when I heard someone say that, I yelped and turned to find out that it was Jadon.

"Jadon, you scared me! Where'd you come from?"

"I didn't mean to. I just got here."

"Yeah, its fine. I was just too....zoned out."

"Its easy to get zoned out seeing something so breathtaking. " he said, looking deep into my eyes.

"I know, right?" I said turning to the sight in front of me." It never gets old."

"I wonder if it ever will be."

I turned to look at him and saw that he still was looking at me with his usual captivating eyes. The wait, they weren't chocolate now. They now look like the soil of earth, kissed by the falling light of the sun and intensified by the emotions that were playing in them.

For the first time I've seen emotion in those eyes and I don't know what that is. Its weird for me. Because I can always read people's eyes. Why can't I do that now?

"Ahem, Do you come here often?" he said, clearing his throat, a little taken off guard by my staring back.

"Everyday, actually. Its like my daily routine to come here after work and enjoy the sunset. It freshens me up. What are you come here often too?"

"No, actually. I realised that its been a while since I've seen something as wonderful as a sight like this. So, I came here."

"To witness a ravishing creation of nature devouring the element that she's made of. Beauty."

He said the last line so lowly that I barely heard it with the kids shouting and birds chirping in the background.


"Never mind. I should go now. I should let you enjoy the sunset without any trouble."

"Aren't you here to watch it too?"

"I have already enjoyed my share for one evening. I can't bear much more. See you around."

"Yeah.....ok. Bye."

I was still so mesmerized by his eyes and the sun that his words didn't register just yet. But....hearing his voice felt good for an unknown reason.


Peyton and I were getting ready to go to Jenna's. As it was an unusual occasion, we decided to dress up a little.

I chose a burgundy spaghetti strap dress as it was my favorite color. I matched it with black legging, a black glitter jacket and pump shoes. I kept my eyes neutral but applied a dark Burgundy shade on my lips.

Peyton dresses up in a black-golden skirt dress with smokey, glittery eyes and nude lips. To top off the sexy look, she wore black wedges. I told her to take a jacket but she replied with the usual "I don't need one. I'm hot anyways." Classic Peyton.

None of us bothered to drive so we called ourselves a uber. The plan was to rendezvous and have dinner at Jenna's place and go to the bar from their.

"Hi, guys! ooh, you guys are gonna steal our men tonight!".

Yes. That was Jenna's way of greeting us.
"Jenna, we all know how impossible it is to steal men from around you." Peyton said while we were entering her house.

Jenna, as usual, was in a very revealing blue dress and nude makeup. She always looked good.

"So where are the girls?" I asked while looking around.

"They're at the kitchen. Try not to scream, please. "

"We'll try." Peyton replied while shoving Jenna and me aside. Just when Peyton entered the kitchen, we had to cover our ears. We refers to me, Jenna,Chloe and Anna. Only Becca and Pey were screaming while hugging each other.

"You know, Peyton, we're here too." Chloe said with a laugh.

"Oh, forget about them. How are you guys?! " I said while hugging them both.

"The usual. Busy, busy. Just needed a break."

Then I turned to Becca. We stared at each other before she practically launched herself on me. I would have fell on the floor if Chloe hadn't supported me with her hand on my back.


"Alright, Becca, I love you too. But I cant breath, please, just..."

"Oh right, sorry. I'm just sooo excited to see you guys after a long time."

Becca let go of me and I took a deep breath. "And You got stronger than before."

"Well, duh! I never miss gym. Gotta protect all my lovely friends from all the outrageous men out there."

Becca was the tough one among us. Literally, all the boys were scared of her. That saved us from being harassed by the bad boys in college.

"FYI, we can protect ourselves Becca. Now, change of plans. We're having dinner at a restaurant. I thought we wouldn't get a reservation but the manger is my uncle. So, he managed."

"Well, that sounds fun. Reservation means it's some fancy place. What are we waiting for then? Let's go! " Becca squealed.

Entering the Italian restaurant, I could already tell that my night was ruined.
Because in a table, at a little distance from ours, was sitting my dear boss, Mr. Alvarez.

The more exciting thing is that, he's got a blonde chick with a flirtatious face sitting opposite to him.




So, if you didn't know already, I have a Pinterest board with all of Adara's looks and outfits. The link is in my bio. Check it out if you want to.

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Love you lots. 💜💜💜💜

Random Question: Liam or Chris Hemsworth ?

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