Chapter 14 : The Article.

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Let's just say, the rest of the night went smoothly.

I wish.

After the 'confession', Jadon disappeared in the crowd of other businessmen and I spent my hours wandering around. And as expected, Mr Alvarez was too busy keeping Ms Russo company. So, after a long long time, he showed up in front of me.

"Why don't you get back to the hotel, Adara? You must be bored."

Like you care.

"Yeah, sure. I've got nothing better do anyways."

"Evan will take you. I'll tell him to bring the car around."

"Don't mind me, sir. Please get back to what you were doing. I can find him myself. Have a good night."

Son of a bi... Never Mind.

I didn't give him a chance to protest as I turned around to get out of there.

He could've just told me earlier, you know. "Adara, you can fuck off cause I'm getting laid tonight!"

But, no. Of course he decided to bore me to death. What was I expecting? Dancing under the moon? Sparkly stares from afar? Oh, for fuck's sake.....

"Woah!" All my irrational and rational thoughts come to a hold when someone grabs both sides of my hand right before I walk into something. Again.

"You should really watch out, you know."


"Thanks for the advice. Now, move."

I push him aside to make way. Well, I tried.

"Leaving so soon?"

"Please, not now." I slumped my shoulders down with a defeated sigh.

"I'll take you. Come on." He turns around with my hand in his but I stop him before he takes a step.

"Whoa there, Mister. Take me where?"

"You're too tired to even talk. You sure you can return to your hotel alone?"

Shit, he's got a point !

Somehow reading my mind, he starts walking towards the exit and I let him. I just want junk food and sleep.

In the parking lot, Jadon leads me to the Navy Audi that I had a crush on. It had to be his?

"Of course, it's yours, Mr Mustang." I scoffed at him.

At least, something good is happened to me tonight.

"A little showing off never hurt, right?Hop on." He smirked.

"You're driving ?"

"I only had one glass," he shrugged.

Without further complain, I sit beside him and lean into the soft leather. It felt great. I felt relaxed.

Slowly, I close my eyes and feel the night air graze my face.

After what felt like 10 minutes, the car stopped.

"I'd ask if you're gonna invite me to your room but I've still got business to take care of. So, help yourself."

"What a gentleman." I get out of the car and he does the same.

"Thank you, Jadon." I said and I meant it.

After a long gaze, a small nod is all I get in return.

I start walking towards the hotel entrance and I still didn't hear the car leave when I entered the hotel. But, I was too pissed and tired to care.

I need a 10 hours sleep.

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