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Camila woke up to see a sleeping girl beside her. Camila smile as she stroke Lauren's cheek. Camila couldn't believe it happen. Lauren loved her back and now they were officially girlfriends. It has been a month since they confessed and started to be a couple, well secret couple. They didn't want anyone to know about them being together. It would cause quite a fuss. The only people who knew about it were their members.

When Camila came back to her dorm that night, her friends were awake, waiting for her return. They wanted to know what happen. After Camila told them what happen, they congratulated her. They even threw a small party. (Although Camila had a feeling it was an excuse so Melissa could eat.) Camila however was concern if Lauren's members were ok with it. When Camila went to her room, she saw she got a text from Lauren. When Camila read it, she smiled. It seemed Lauren told them what happen, and they supported their relationship. It seemed they knew that Lauren had liked Camila and were always backing Lauren up, just like Camila's members to her.

So here they were, in Camila's room, taking a nap in the middle of the day. They both were free right now and decided to spend as much time together as they could. It was really hard for them to find time to be together. Their schedules don't always match well so it was hard to find free time. Even if they saw each others in shows, they had to act like friends. They couldn't hold or kiss each other. (But they would give each other love stares.) So the only time they really could spend time with each other was either at Camila or Lauren's dorm.

And right now they were in Camila's room. Camila let out a yawn and wrapped her arms around Lauren. Lauren stir from the touch and opened her eyes. Camila smiled. "Hey. Had a good nap?"

Lauren blinked her eyes and smiled. "Yeah, you were very comfortable."

Camila kissed Lauren's forehead. "You were too."

"Am I better then Lolo?"

Camila raised an eyebrow. "Are you seriously asking me that?"

"What, I'm just curious."

Camila pulled Lauren and snuggled against her. "Of course you are. Lolo doesn't talk, laugh, kiss or says "I love you."

Lauren chuckled. "Well, I'm glad I don't have competition."

Camila looked at her and poked Lauren's cheek. "Geez, Lauren, you can be weird sometimes."

Lauren kissed Camila's nose. "You know I was just kidding."

"Yeah I know, but still, it was weird."

Just then they heard a knock on the door. "Hey love birds, we got to go!" It was Melissa.

"Okay, we will be out in a minute." They both got off Camila's bed.

As they made their way to the door, Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila from behind. "Do you know what day is it today?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just wondering."

Camila turned around and kissed Lauren on the lip. "Just wait, you will see what I did for you."

Lauren smiled. "I look forward to it."

"Hey you two, hurry up!"


The girls arrived at a radio station. Both "Four Season" and "5 Element" were the guests today. All the members arrived and the show started. After a half an hour past of them talking about how the members were doing, the host change the topic.

"As you know, today is Valentine's day, the special day for love, young or old. Did you girls every fall in love?"

The girls blushed and giggle but said nothing.

"Oh c'mon girls, no need to be shy. Melissa, have you ever fallen in love?"

"Well, when I was young I did have a crush on a boy, but you know, I was young so I don't think that counts."

"How about Leslea?"

"No, to be honest. I was always focusing on school work so I never had fallen in love."

"Oh c'mon, one of you girls must have fallen in love. Camila, I bet you did."

All the girls looked at Camila. Camila blushed. "Yes, I have."

"So you did. What is it like?"

"It's the best feeling you ever feel. You feel all sorts of emotion when you are with that person, whether its happy, sad, silly, anger, anything. When you are with that person, you feel you don't need anything else. As long as that person is with me, I'm the happiest person in the world."

Lauren blushed at Camila's comment while the other girls just smiled.

"Wow, you must really like this person." The DJ said.

"Yes I do, with my whole heart."

"Does he know about your feelings?"

Camila quickly looked at Lauren, who winked. "No, "he" doesn't."

"Do you plan to confess?"

"No, I think it's not the right time. You know, being an idol, it makes things hectic."

"Well, I hope your love will be return soon."

Camila smiled. "Oh, I know it will." The girls smiled too. They knew the truth.

After a few more questions, the DJ said, "Well, since it's Valentine's Day, do any of you girls want to sing a song?"

"I do." Camila said. "I actually wanted to sing this song for a long time."

"Really, what is it?"

"More Than You'll Ever Know."

"Oh, I heard that song was really good. I think it's perfect for Valentine's Day."

Once Camla was set, the DJ said, "Now, we will now hear Camila sing "More Than You'll Ever Know"."

As Camila sang, she would occasionally look at Lauren, who looked at her lovingly. Lauren  could see the love in Camila's eyes as she sang. It was like Camila was telling Lauren  her feelings. It was beautiful. At that moment, it felt like it was only just the two of them. If Lauren  could, she would have went up to Camila and pulled her into a kiss right now.

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