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  It had been an hour since Melissa found out Camila went missing. After calling Sunny, Melissa called Marissa while Sunny called their manager. The girls cancel the rest of their schedule and went back home with their manager. Right now, they were talking in the living room.

"So, Camila was gone when you came in, Melissa?" Their manager asked.

Melissa nodded. "Yes, she must have left a while ago before I came back."

"What are we going to do Henry?" Marissa asked.

He held his head. "I don't know. If word get out that Camila ran away, it could be bad. We need to keep it a secret for now."


"Let's pretend she's sick, say she has the flu. People would believe that and won't suspect anything."

"But how long can we pull it off?" Sunny asked.

"I don't know. We just have to as long as we could. I will have to inform the company about this."

The girls nodded.

He looked at them. "Do you girls know why Camila ran away?"

The girls look at each other. Should they tell him?

"I know you girls know something. I noticed that Camila has been acting different, she seem lifeless lately. You must know something."

Sunny bit her lip. "Henry, it's really personal. We were suppose to keep it a secret."

"But I need to know Sunny. Camila's missing and something could happen to her. I need to know why she ran away."

"Will you promise not to hate Camila?"

"I would never hate her Sunny. I would never hate any of you."

Sunny took a deep breath. "You know Lauren from '5 Element' right?"

"Of course, you girls are really good friends with them and I'm pretty good friends with their manager as well."

"Well...Camila and Lauren were secretly...dating."

Their manager's eyes went wide open. "What?!"

Marissa nodded. "It's true. They have been together for more than a year."

"They were? Whoa, so it really is true."

The girls look at him. "Wait, what do you mean, Henry?" Melissa asked.

He noticed their concern expression. "Oh it's not that girls. No one knows about it. It's just, me and their manager notice something about those two. Camila and Lauren are always together whenever I go to pick Camila up, Camila is always texting or talking to Lauren on the phone when we are in the car and when I talk with Camila, she always brings Lauren up sometimes. Lauren is the same as well to her manager. So, we both jokingly thought Camila and Lauren were dating. We never thought it was real."

"So, you aren't against their relationship?"

"Well, I will be honest I'm a little eh about it. I mean same sex relationships haven't been accepted by everyone and celebrities at this point aren't supposed to be dating. But I can see that Camila cares deeply for Lauren so I guess I will accept it."

Marissa look down. "Camila would have love to know that."

"So, what's wrong?"

Sunny bit her bottom lip. "Camila broke up with Lauren a few days ago."

"What?! Why?"

"We don't know. Camila refused to tell us why. She just broke up and didn't tell us anything and because of it, Camila has been miserable since."

"So, Camila ran away because she broke up with Lauren." He sighed. "What could be the reason?"

"Henry, we have a theory. We think Camila was force to break up with Lauren."

He looked at Sunny. "Forced?"

"Yes, I think Camila was blackmailed by someone. It's the only reason we could think that would make Camila do this. There is no other reason. Camila loves Lauren so much. Camila wouldn't break up with her unless it's threatening."

"I see, that would make sense. Fuck it, how could I let this happen? I should have been more caution. I should had know this could have happen. There is always haters waiting to destroy your image. I never thought that this would have happen!"

"Henry, it's not your fault. It's impossible to watch us all the time."

"I know, but I should have been more careful. You girls are important to me. I care for you four and now Camila's missing and we have no idea where she is or if she's okay."


He got up. "Why don't you girls turn in for the night? You must be exhausted."

"But Hen-"

"Look, there's nothing we can do right now. Just get some sleep. We will think of something don't worry. But you can't tell anyone about Camila, no one, not even "5 Element."

The girls nodded.

"Okay, now get some sleep girls." He gave each of them a hug. "If anything comes up, I will let you know. Good night girls."

"Good night, Henry." And he left.

The girls just sat there, they couldn't believe what was happening. First Camila broke up and now she ran away. The days were getting worse.

Melissa couldn't hold herself anymore, she started to cry.

Marissa and Sunny went to her. Marissa hugged her. "Meli, don't cry. It's going to be okay."

Sunny nodded. "Yeah Meli, don't worry. I'm sure Camila's alright."

"If...I....only was...home...s-sooner...I could...have...s-stop her."

Marissa stroke her back. "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself."


Sunny watched as Melissa cried. Sunny felt so useless. She couldn't do anything, she could only watch. Tears fill her eyes.

"Camila, where are you?"

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