Chapter 4: Jen

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I woke up to someone shaking me. I groaned and reluctantly opened my eyes to see Ronnie making an adorable face. Weird thig to say about your "dad" but were not related, so its diffrent. I goaned as Ronnie shook me again.

"Whaaaat?" I mumbled.

"Jynx. Wakey wakey, comeon Jen is here." Ronnie said, moving my hair out of my eyes.

"Ronnie, lemme see her!" I heard her say.

"Come here." Ronnie said, pulling my out of the bunk lightly. I looked at Jen and smiled weakly, i seriously need some coffee.

"Aw! She's so... pretty!" Jen said.

"Its alright, i know i smell and look like shit." I mumbled.

"Shut up." Ronnie said thumping me lightly. "Get ready, Jen is your playmate for the day."

"Yes, i'm your playmate for today." Jen said, laughing.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"First, I'm taking you to a spa. We're gonna get your hair done how ever you want, then Hot Topic. And if you want, a manicure." Jen said, smiling at me. I smiled and went to get ready. Which basically meant change into something not so crappy. I put on my black v neck tee and a pair of not so torn up skinny jeans, then walked over to Jen. Ryan had his arms around her and he was kissing her.

"Alright, I love you babe, but your neice and i have a girls day out. Come on Jynx, lets go. Bye Ronnie, bye Babe." She said, taking my arm as we walked off the bus.

"Were gonna have tons of fun. I can tell." Jen smiled at me.

"Can we get coffee?" I asked, hoping she would say yes.

"I was just about to ask if you wanted to go for some." She said with a laugh.


With my 5 bags of new clothes, my freshly dyed hair, newly done nails and a new collection of makeup, i was really grateful of Jen. I had 3 new band shirts, a ton of new bracelets, and at least 4 pairs of new jeans. Jen also wanted to get me shoes, so i let her buy me a pair of black and purple converse. She let me change into one of the outfits, black skinny jeans, black asking alexandria skeleton shirt and the converse. I came out of the room, smiling as Jens eyes lit up.

"It looks great on you sweetheart!" She said, smiling brightly.

"Thanks." I said.

"Look in the mirror!" She said, pullin me towards the miror. I glanced in the mirror and smiled. My hair looked so good, in direct light it shone purple, but it was black out of the light.

"I like it." I said.

"I hope so! Come on, Ronnie wants you back." Jen replied. I turned around and followed her.

"Alrighty then, lets go." I replied, walking out of the store with Jen. The drive back was quiet, but we weren't tense, just tired. I fell asleep i guess, because when she pulled up next to the bus, i woke up with no recognition of the drive.

"Come on sweetie. I'll help you get your stuff." Jen said, helping my with the bags. I flipped my hair out of my eyes and grabbed the rest of the bags. The tour bus door opened and Ronnie stepped out.

"Jynx, your a motherfucking princess. Nice job Jen." Ronnie said, stepping out. Jacky, Derek, Ron and Ryan followed him out.

"Jynx! Nice..." Ryan said, hugging Jen.

"Alright, so you're going to be staying on the bus for the show. as soon as were done, one of your uncles will be coming back to keep you company. Alright?" Ronnie said, looking around.

"What?? Im going to be staying on the tour bus??" I demanded. All the guys looked at me with wide eyes, then cast glances at each other and started snickering.

"Jynx! You heard me, your staying on the bus." Ronnie looked down at me sternly. Jen and Ryan stood behind me as i challenged Ronnie.

"Come on dad! pleeease??" I begged. He frowned. He looked torn between saying yes and walking away.

"Jynx..." he said warningly.


"Please?? I promise i'll be good!" I said, giving him my best puppy eyes. It was a few more seconds before i got him to crack.

"Fine damnit! Jynx motherfucking Radke, i sware you had better be good." He said, thumping me on the back of the head lightly. "No moshing. And... no drugs." He said, giving me his backstage pass. "Come backstage when we get off, alright?" I nodded.

"Dad, calm down. Im going to be in the crowd, and up front. Don't flip." I said, laughing. Jen smiled.

"Before you go, im gonna help you with your eyeliner." Jen said.

"Alright." I said, she and i went onto the bus. We did my eyeliner, then Jen went backstage and i went to the join the line of people outside the building.

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