Chapter 5: The concert

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As the line moved, i noticed that there was one boy who kept glancing at me, he got in before me and just before he walked in he glanced my way. Our eyes locked and i almost passed out from the sight of his gorgeous ice-blue eyes. He smiled and i made an attempt to, but he walked in before i could. 

"Damn..." I mumbled. He had 2 friends with him, but out of all 3, i think he was the best looking. I got up to the front of the line and i showed the guy my pass. He nodded and let me go in.  I looked around the busy concert hall, flooded with people all come to see my non biological dad! I smiled at the thought, then walked in to the stage area where people were already crowding together. I looked around, then began to make my way toward the front. 

"Hey! You! Asking Alexandria!" I heard someone say. I turned around, looking straight into the eyes of that adorable boy i had seen earlier. 

"Uh..." I couldn't really speak. 

"Ha, sorry. I didn't know your name, so i just callled you after your shirt." He said. My god, his voice was like candy.

"It's alright." I replied.

"I saw that you were alone, and i wanted to see if you would come hang with me and my friends." He asked. 

"Uh... yeah, sure. Can i ask one thing though?" I replied. His eyes.... i was crying inside, also running in circles and screaming. On the outside, i guess i managed to look normal because he smiled. "Whats you name?" 

"They call me Switchblade. What about you?" He asked. Switchblade. Sexy.

"Jynx."I replied.

"Pretty name. Matches your pretty face." He replied. Inside, i just died and  went to heaven. "Come on well, the guys are gonna think i dragged you off to a bathroom." He said with a laugh. I laughed and held out my hand. He grabbed it and shoved his way through the crowd to the very front railing, where two other boys were standing. 

"Guys, this is Jynx. Jynx meet Axel and Jase." 

"So, who brought you here?" Jase asked. 

"Um, my dad. He's here too." I replied. 

"Where is he?"  Switchblade asked, a twinge of fear in his voice.

"Backstage, theyre setting up for him." I replied.

"Your dad is in one of the bands?" Axel asked.

"Mhm, my dad is the one and only Ronnie Radke." I said, smiling.

"Your joking." Jase said. 

"Not at all." I pulled out the backstage pass and they all smiled. 

"Can you get us backstage?" Jase asked eagerly.

"Yeah..." I said. Swithblade had his hand on my back, all of my answers were going to be short.

"You don't have to if you dont want to." Switchblade said.

"No, its alright." I said, just as the light's all went out and there was a steady thump on stage. 

"Ronnie! Ronnie! Ronnie!" The crowd chanted, leaving the 4 of us to join in. 

"Wanna get on my shoulders?" Switchblade asked. 

"Yes!" I replied. Axel and Jase helped get me up onto Switchblade's shoulders. I saw theband's silloutte's, Jacky, Derek, Ryan, and Ron. Then Ronnie. The crowd erupted into loud howls and screams, all for my dad. And my uncles, but mainly my dad.

"I was lost, now i'm found. Im sustained by the sound, of the angel's singing me to sleep." Ronnie sang out the fist words to Raised By Wolves. Switchblade gave me his phone so i record, i had a great veiw of the stage. Switchblade was at least 6 feet tall, i was so high up. After they finished the song, Ronnie walked over to my side of the stage. He looked at me and pointed, giving me a warning look. I nodded, smiling. Switchblade bumped my thigh with his head. 

"So he really is your dad!" He said.

"I told you." I replied, smiling.

Switchblade put me down and Ronnie began the next song which i recognized asNot Good Enough For Truth In Cliche. Not a Falling In Reverse song, but Ronnie wrote it back in ETF. Still counts. Jacky started playing, and Switchblade wrapped his arms around my waist, swaying me to the beat.    

"Hope your dad doesn't get to pissed at me for this." Switchblade said, resting his head on my shoulder.  

"I won't let him." I replied.

I closed my eyes and breathed in Switchblade's scent of Axe cologne and vanilla. Ronnie got to the chorus, the crowd was singing along, and Switchblade turned me around to face him. I got a good look at him, he looked like Jacky (i know, weird to say that the guy you like looks like your uncle but i used to have a thing for my "uncle" when i was 13), crossed with Andy Beirsack... but something about him made him 15 times better than that. The music continued blasting, and then Switchblade smiled. I smiled back and he pulled me closer to him and he kissed me roughly, but sweetly.

"Jynx! Switch! Watch out!" Jase grabbed Switchblades shoulder, and Axel grabbed mine. They pulled us out of the way of some asshole trying to start a mosh pit. The song was almost over by now, and when it finished, Ronnie pointed at the guy who tried to mosh.

"You! Trying to start a mosh pit? Theres four kids right there asshole. Be fucking careful." Ronnie snapped, pointing a finger at the guy. The guy looked pretty shamed. "Now im gonna finish this fuckin' show." Ronnie said, the crowd cheering.   


Falling In Reverse finished and i saw Ronnie signal me backstage. "Guys. Uh, Ronnie wants me backstage, do you guys want to come with?" I asked. 

"Hell yeah!" Axel said. Switchblade was holding my hand and he nodded. Jase nodded as well. 

"Alright, lets go." We shoved our way to the backstage door, then i showed theguy my pass. He opened the door and all four of us ran in, happy to be not so smushed anymore. Ronnie was walking out of the stage door, he saw Switchblade holding my hand and immedietly began to walk towards us, a stern look in his eyes. Jacky followed behind him, smiling.

"I told you!" Jacky said, laughing.  

"Shut up, and lemme talk to these kids." Ronnie snapped at Jacky. Jacky made a stupid face, then turned and followed Derek, Ron and Ryan.

"So. You. Had her. On your shoulders. And i also saw you trying to stick your tounge down her throat." Ronnie stated, staring at Switchblade.

"I'm sorry if i uh-" Switchblade looked terrified. Ronnie broke out laughing.

"Oh my god your face kid! Priceless!"  Switchblade looked at me, puzzled. "It's fine. Calm down im not gonna kill you or anything, just be careful with Jynx. She's little." Ronie said.

"Dad! Not nice." I said. Switchblade, Jase and Axel started laughing as Ronnie fluffed up my hair. 

"Come on, you four are allowed to join us for signing's and pictures." Ronnie said. 

"Fuck yeah!" Axel said, jumping into the air and fist pumping. I laughed as we followed Ronnie. He was a pretty cool dad.

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