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"Okay, so your dad- he had potential to be nice." Rio told her. "He could've been good, but he was born into a family that raised him to be cruel. His father taught him that men were superior to women, that being a warlock was a good thing because he was more powerful. Then he met your mom. She was a different kind of witch and he was interested. His parents taught him that she was evil. She could only use magic when she stole it from others which made it evil which made her evil. So your dad thought he was doing right. He thought he was good, because that's how he was raised. And when he turned into a vampire, he had no powers but your mother could still use magic, if she concentrated. So he dedicated his life to stopping that. He believed that being a vampire was a bad thing and being a witch was good. That's why witches lose their powers when they turn. So since being a vampire made sure your mum still had her powers after she turned, it only reinforced his belief that her power was evil and so she must have been evil. For a year he tormented her. As humans he made sure she wouldn't try to use magic and as a vampire he continued his work. But then she met Finn. They became friends and he helped scare away Wallace. Then he fell off the face of the Earth but Finn had told Rebekah about your mum so Rebekah came to her rescue just as Wallace was about to find your mom. He left again and your mom was introduced to Klaus. He courted her and your mom felt safe and happy, but something happened between the two. I don't know what. When I met your dad, he didn't know I was with your mom. I thought he was just another vampire. I told him my name was Rio Salvatore. We chatted and he asked me if I'd heard of Charlotte. Told me she was a vampire who'd been alive for a really long time and I asked him why. He told me she was his wife, and he wanted another chance. I didn't know about him back then, Lottie was a little closed off. I told him I hadn't and went back home to tell her about him. She told me she'd tell me more about him but we had to skip town. It was too late, he'd already followed me back. It was an awkward interaction, and we had no way to fight him off. He was far older than I- I was barely a vampire yet, and Lottie was scared of him. She couldn't concentrate on her magic and I tried to distract him long enough for Charlie to run. He had a stake to my heart before your mother realised she had to concentrate. She did and sent him to Asia, and we both ran. He was in China so we went to Japan- we knew he'd think we fled to the furthest place we could think of."
"So he was a dick."
"My point is, it's how he was raised and he didn't get a chance to change because he spent most of his time trying to track down your mom. He didn't realised times were changing and it never occurred to him that his beliefs were wrong."
"But he was still a dick?"
"More or less."
"Thanks, Rio."
"What for?"
"I know you hate him, but you tried to be nice about him."
"Well, however misguided his intentions were, he did raise you, and if it weren't for those centuries of sleep you wouldn't have gotten to see your mother. Neither of us would have met you, and loved you as much as we do."
"Well, he wasn't a bad father. He took me out a lot, but he made me believe my mum was evil. He raised me, and I'll always love him for it, but what he did to my mum was unforgivable."
"That's true, but I want you to have your own opinion of him. Remember him as the great dad he was. My own father was a dick. He controlled my mother in every aspect, he wasn't a very kind man, but he was a great father to me. He loved Stefan, but he never had a good relationship with Damon. Damon never took any of his crap, and in a sense, he didn't have anyone but me. Stefan had our mother, she doted on him, and my father loved Stefan too, but I was his favourite. My mother loved Damon, more than she loved me but she loved Stefan more. So I took Damon under my wing. He was my favourite. I thought that could somehow make up for his distance to our parents, and I think it worked. My father saw Damon as a failure. I mean, in my later years, I hadn't really been the model son, so he became closer to Stefan, who was his last chance to have one respectable child in our family. I was getting married to Amelia- you remember her right?"
"Yeah, I do. She was with that vampire killer guy right?"
"Ex vampire killer, yes. I changed for her. I used to be a good kid, I was the dependable one in my father's eyes. And I had the biggest crush on Amelia. The Forbes women were all beautiful. Amelia had two sister, um Elizabeth and Victoria. But Amelia was the prettiest of the three. The other two were too obsessed with their looks. They were a little mean to Amelia in private so I didn't like them much, and they used her as an excuse to get closer to me. It was a nightmare. Amelia was my best friend, and she wasn't vain. She was sweet to everyone. But she only saw me as a friend so I changed a little. I started hanging out with the Lockwood twins well technically I sort of hung out with them and my old friends- we invited them into our group- changed my attitude and then I courted her. We were set to be engaged, but then I turned into a vampire. I turned back into my old self, changed back for the better and your mom never knew about my phase. I never told her."
"So if she's in this room right now, she knows."
"Well, my secret's out." Rio shrugged. "Sorry, Lottie."
"I'm sure she'd be telling you she knew you weren't telling her everything about your childhood, that nobody could be so clean."
"Probably." He chuckled.
"What happened to your mum and dad?"
"Well, when Katherine was being taken away, my brothers tried to save her because they didn't know she already had another plan. But my father ended up shooting them and killing them. It turned out, Katherine had been feeding them vampire blood every day, so they were transitioning. Because they both believed Katherine to be dead, they decided they'd wait out the hunger and just die. Stefan went to our father to say goodbye, to tell him they were in transitioning but they wouldn't feed on blood. My dad tried to kill him because he hated vampires and Stefan ended up drinking all his blood. My mother died of consumption, well that's the official story."
"What's the unofficial story?"
"Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out next door." He relented. "I mean, I know that when my father sent her away to the hospital she turned into a vampire, and I know she was alive until early 1900s, but then any trail of her went cold, so I thought she might've been dead. Turns out she could be alive, and a witch probably has her somewhere."
"Can I help?"
"No, you need to sleep. I'll tell you more in the morning."
"Why don't you sleep?"
"First of all, I'm an adult, and older than you."
"Well in some cultures, I'm considered an adult, and technically I'm older than you."
"In your culture, you're not yet an adult. And the years you were asleep don't count. And thirdly, I'm a vampire. I don't need to sleep. We like to sleep, but we can survive just fine without."
"Fine, I'll sleep."
"No magic, Anya."
"Anya-" Rio warned.
"I promise I'll sleep, but only if you tell me everything in the morning."
"Deal." Rio nodded, and walked out, after Anya tucked herself in.

Tiberius Salvatore: Mikaelson ExtendedWhere stories live. Discover now