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Once he left Anya's room, Rio tried to think of a way to research. He knew Enzo had almost definitely been turned by his mother- how many vampire Lilys could there be that had vanished in 1903. He sighed, the only way he could get any information on her last known whereabouts would be to ask Enzo. But what if Enzo was with Damon or Stefan. The last thing he'd want was to alert Damon and Stefan to Lily. And even so, how would he get in touch with Enzo. He could always call up Damon and ask for Enzo's number or something. But then he'd need a way to subtly ask Enzo where he was turned. He could try the friendly way but Rio didn't want to use him like that. What reason could Rio have for wanting to know where Enzo was turned? Other than friendship? Witches? Rio could tell Enzo that he was looking for a witch connected to Lily. But that would lead to weird questions. He could say he wanted to find Enzo's mystery woman for him, but again. Questions. The only way out that Rio could see was being his friend. He'd tell him eventually. Still, Rio hated the idea of it. He didn't want to lie to Enzo, but he didn't see any other way. But it was too late now, Enzo and Damon would both be suspicious. Especially Damon. He'd have to work in the morning. Or maybe he could try a different angle. If a witch had his mother, then it would have spread to other covens. Maybe one of his friends would know. First he called Eloise Link.
"El?" He asked once there was a clock.
"Who's this?" A deep masculine voice replied.
"Who are you?"
"You're the one who called."
"Sorry, I'm looking for an Eloise."
"Lo?" The guy yelled in the background. "Some guy on the phone for you."
"Why am I always just 'some guy'?" Rio said to himself as the phone was passed over. He heard a shuffle as she took the phone. He heard some disturbing sounds, from her end.
"I hope you know I don't appreciate of you talking to another guy while we're on our honeymoon." The guy whispered to Eloise. If he was a normal human, Rio wouldn't have heard more than a mumble but he was able decipher it.
"I'm so scarred for life now, El." Rio greeted her back.
"Uncle Rio? Oh my God! Uncle Rio! I'm sorry." She said, as she realised what he was talking about. "Stop it!"
"Normally, I'd call back later, like in a couple months, maybe decades, but it's urgent."
"Yeah, what'd you need?"
"Promise you'll keep it on the dl?"
"Yeah, of course. Do you even need to ask?"
"Sorry, it's just I absolutely cannot have my brothers fnding out. I need to know if you've heard of any witches taking down a ripper vampire- Lily Salvatore."
"Um, not that I know of. I'll ask around, and text you back."
"Thank you. I'm sorry, for interrupting- you'll never understand just how sorry I really am." Rio winced. "But thanks. And congratulations on the wedding!"
"I would've called, except I heard Aunt Charlie was dead and asking you to come seemed.." She trailed off.
"It's okay, El. I'm happy for you, you deserve to fall in love and get married, but thanks. I'll leave you to it. Sorry again, and thanks."
"Of course Uncle Rio. I'm sorry about Aunt Charlie. She was really nice, she didn't deserve it."
"Thanks." The two hung up. So little Eloise was getting married. Of course Eloise wasn't so little anymore. But old habits die hard. Rio looked up. "Hear that, Lottie? Ellie's married now. She grew up too quick, remember when she was born? Mary was so proud of the little baby she'd just given birth to."
Of course, there wasn't a reply, but Rio was comforted knowing she was possibly in the room. He sighed and picked up his phone again. "Maria?"
"Hey there, killer." Came the familiar greeting of his friend.
"Hi, how are you?"
"I'm good, how are you?" She stressed making sure he understood what she was on about.
"I'm coping. I actually called because I need a favour."
"Go on."
"There's no one better than you at keeping your ear to the ground. I've asked Eloise to keep an eye out, but I need you to see if you can dig up anything on witches taking down a ripper, Lily Salvatore, back in 1903.
"I can do that."
"But I can't have my brothers finding out she even exists. They think she died back in 1858, and I'd like to keep it that way."
"Your brothers?"
"Yeah. It turns out they're alive."
"Thanks, Maria."
"Your welcome."

Rio would have called Colin or even Ally but he knew there couldn't have been much those two would be able to do quietly. Instead he did some more digging of his own. His mother had a victim count of over 3,000. Following the tracks of the direction she was headed, he realised he didn't need Enzo to tell him where he was turned. Lily was headed to America. She must've been intercepted there. It was early by the time he'd finished his research- early morning that is. He got a call soon after he'd finished.
"I got something." Maria's voice came through. "The Gemini coven cast a spell, I don't know which one, and I don't know where they took her, but rumour has it they'd captured Lily and her coven, except for one- a Julian. They live in Portland. That's all I could find, maybe Eloise had better luck."
"Thanks, Maria. You are a lifesaver- oh hey, here's El. I'll talk to you later."
"Alright. Good luck. I'll text you their address."
"Thanks." Rio switched to Eloise. "Hey, Ellie."
"Hey Uncle Rio, so I've got something pretty interesting here."
"What is it?"
"There's this coven, somewhere in Oregon. They used a spell to send Lily to another world. I don't know how exactly it works, just that the spell sent Lily and her coven to some sort of parallel world with no one around so they can't eat anyone. It's a Bennett family recipe, and the same coven used that spell to imprison one of their own in a different parallel world in 1994? So the coven's still around, I don't really know much else. Only that Lily is stuck in that other world, and seeing as she and her coven were rippers, the blood supply is probably all gone. She's probably desiccated over, uncle Rio. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. Um, thank you, El. Really, sorry to have come between your honeymoon. Enjoy the rest of your holiday."
"Thanks. Hey, Uncle Rio-" She stopped him.
"I heard Aunt Charlie had a daughter."
"But she was a vampire. How was that possible? Is there a spell that can be used?"
"No, Anya was born when Charlotte was a human."
"Oh, so she's a vampire too?"
"No. Hey, how about this. When you get settled with your life, we'll get together, catch up, you can meet Anya, I can meet this guy of yours and we'll talk. Sound good?"
"Sounds great." She smiled.
"Alright, now. I'll see you soon, El."
"Bye, Uncle Rio." She hung up the phone. There was a knock a Rio's door.
"Come in!" He called.
"Hey, Rio." It was Klaus.
"Hello, Klaus."
"I didn't hear you get in."
"No, but I heard you get in." Klaus noticed the giant information wall, Rio had made.
"What? Wait, isn't that your-"
"Mother? Yes. She's alive. Really long stories. I'm going to have to go on another trip soon. To Portland, to visit a witch coven."
"Does Anya know?"
"I only found out where a couple minutes ago. I'll take her with me, this time."
"And if you run into another Wes?"
"Well, you'll come and rescue me, won't you?" Rio winked.

Tiberius Salvatore: Mikaelson ExtendedWhere stories live. Discover now