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(I didn't revise this so don't bash me. Please. Also picture credit to whoever made that piece of art up there.)

When Camila felt foreign lips against her own, her immediate reaction was to push. Push this stranger away. Far away.

Camila’s brown eyes instantly locking with scared blue ones. “I'm sorry, I thought.. I umm. The timing was totally ba-”

Before the blonde could finish her sentence though, an ear piercing scream sounded aloud throughout the city. Well, at least Camila felt that way as she hunched over, eyes closed, hands enclosing her ears as if it shielded her from the god awful sound.

When the mystery sound stopped Camila stayed in the same position for a while until something else caught her attention. A meteor, or was it a shooting star? Nevermind she thought as she realized whatever it was, was on fire. Like literal fire.

Taylor however was still hunched over. The young Latina looked back to wherever that unknown object went and thought of one thing. Lauren.

Without a second thought, Camila said a quick goodbye before throwing everything else out the window and starting her trek towards the scene.


“Well shit, how many do you ha-”

Lauren tried her hardest to tune out the Polynesian as she realized one thing.

Camila was bad.

The green eyed beauty wanted to cry from the emotions the certain memory brought, but something caught her attention. That something being a ping, that soon turned to 1000, which also meant something more important. A signal.

Before Lauren could check her gauntlet though, a burning craft flying through the sky caught her attention instead.

“EARTH TO LAUREN!!” Dinah said as she shook the girl back to reality.

“We have to-we have to, that craft we must follow.” Lauren stuttered as she finally came to. “Queen D. We must follow the-” The green eyed girl stopped her sentence when she looked out the window again and caught no sight of Camila. “wait where is my Camz?!”

Her emerald orbs glared as she only caught vision of a blonde barely getting back up and fixing her composure. As much as she hated worrying about her at the moment, she did it regardless.

“Camz? Wait we're so not making this about Camila right now. What happened Lo?!” Normani asked as she gently touched the porcelain girls hand. “are you okay? What happe-”

“Hold up I wanna know how many fucking hearts you have.” Dinah interrupted.

Normani only rolled her eyes. “Babe we have to make sure our friend is okay first.”

Lauren easily threw her hands up in frustration as a million thoughts went through her head. “We have to go now. Please.”

Huffing in frustration as well, Dinah relented anyways.


Camila had her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. She cursed herself out for not thinking of catching an uber or something.

It had been like 15 years since she ran. Or at least that's how it felt.

Shaking the tiredness off she thought of Lauren and hauled ass down the street.

Camila could only imagine what went down and her first thought was Lauren trying to fly away and ultimately failing.

Shaking her head, Camila neared the general vicinity she watched the object crash at. She was surprised when she saw no trees burning or anything nearby damaged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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