See You at the Reunion

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"It's okay, buddy. Shh shh shh." Hopper said as he pulled himself off the couch. It had to have been around three when Will started to howl in the night.

"What's wrong?" Joyce asked as she sluggishly walked into the living room.

"It's okay, I've got it. Someone's hungry, huh little guy?" He smiled as he rocked Will against his chest.

"Here, let me help you." Joyce said as she rubbed her eyes. She began to fish a bottle out of the cupboard while Jim prepped the formula mix.

"Are you sure?" Hop asked as he took the bottle she handed to him.

"Yes, Hop. I'm used to waking up at this time of night anyway." Joyce answered as she softly took Will from his arms so he could shake the bottle.

Hopper groaned and stretched his arms out before he sat on the couch next to her.

"I'll take him for the rest of the night so you can get some sleep." Joyce said in between hushes.

"It's alright Joyce, you need the sleep. I can go days without it." Hopper laughed.

"I thought so too, then I ended up in the hospital." Joyce laughed quietly along with him.

"I know, I just don't want you to get too exhausted again." Hopper sighed. "You need sleep more than I do."

"How about we take turns? We'll both get some sleep at least." Joyce suggested.

"If it will make you feel better." Hopper said as he smoothed Will's dark brown hair down.

"I just want you to get some sleep too, Hop. I don't want you to take on too much." Joyce replied.

"I'll be okay. I'll take the next diaper, how about that?" He said as he looked back up at her.

"Deal." She smiled before they both looked down at the baby.


"Alright, I need eggs, milk, coffee, we also need more formula." Joyce said as she held Jonathan's hand. Hopper glanced down at the list as he pushed the cart in front of them. Will's car seat sat snug in the front of the cart as the baby slept soundly.

"You had graham crackers on your list too, right? Those are here." Hopper said as he pointed them out to her.

"Jimmy? Jimmy is that you?" An older woman said as she walked down the aisle towards him.

"Aunt Helen? What are you doing in Hawkins?" Hopper asked as he exchanged confused looks with Joyce

"I've come to see your father! Now, who's this, Jimmy?" The elder woman said as she grabbed Hopper into a hug.

Before Hopper could answer, the elder woman leaned over to peek inside the baby carrier. "Oh isn't he precious! Jimmy, he looks just like you!" The woman cooed.

"Oh! Oh no no, Aunt Helen! He's not mi—" Hopper didn't even get to finish his sentence before the woman began talking again.

"Why didn't you tell me you had such a beautiful family, Jimmy?" Helen beamed as she saw Jonathan hiding behind Joyce's leg. "Who's this little guy?"

Hopper gulped and gave Joyce a nervous look. She was clearly trying not to burst out laughing.

"This is Jonathan. He's a little shy." Hopper said cautiously. He tried not to glare at Joyce who was bursting at the seams trying not to laugh.

"Well, are you going to introduce me to your wife?" Aunt Helen asked with a scolding eye at Jim's manners.

"Joyce. nice to meet you." Joyce said as she stuck her hand out to shake the elder woman's hand.

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