Years Down the Road

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Ten months later

"Joyce. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Hopper asked as he got down on one knee. The whole restaurant seemed to watch in suspense.

Before Jim could open the black velvet box, Joyce was nodding vigorously, unable to find her voice.

Hopper slid the ring on her finger while the restaurant cheered. He picked his now fiancée up and kissed her deeply.

Seven months later

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife! You may kiss the bride." The minister smiled as Hopper leaned down and kissed her with a smile.

The crowd cheered, filling the church full of clapping and joy. Jonathan was standing in a ring bearer tuxedo, smiling up at his parents. He had been just as excited as Joyce when they announced their engagement. Will was tucked onto best man Benny's hip as he looked around at the cheering crowd.

Five months later

"Joyce? Babe, are you home?" Hopper called as he walked in the door. He smiled as he saw Will standing in his playpen.

"Hey, buddy. Where's mama?" Hopper asked as he leaned down to pick the baby out of his play area. "Ugh. You're getting heavy." He said with a fake groan.

"Joycie? Where are you?" Hopper called again. Walking through their house, he found her staring nervously at something in her hand.

"Whats wrong, baby?" Hopper asked as he set Will down to toddle off.

"We're uh... we're pregnant." Joyce said quietly as she awaited Hopper's reaction.

"Oh my God, that's amazing!" Hopper said with a huff of a shocked laugh.

"Yeah, I just... wow." Joyce said quietly. She was obviously exasperated and clearly still in shock

"We're having a baby." Hopper said with a laugh as he kissed her cheek.

"We're having a baby." Joyce confirmed as a smile broke through.

Nine months later

Hopper could hear Joyce crying from the waiting room. It made his heart hurt every time Jonathan asked him if she was alright.

"Yeah buddy, she's alright." Hopper reassured every time. Luckily, Will was still too young to understand since he was only almost two.

Hopper had tried to get into the room but no matter what he said, they wouldn't allow him in. He just wanted to trade places with her, save her from the pain.

"Jim Hopper?" A nurse called. He shot out of his seat and brushed his clothes off. "Yeah! That's me! How's my wife?" Hopper asked nervously.

"She's good, you and the boys can go back now." The nurse said as she motioned for them to follow. Hopper took both of the boy's hands and walked towards the nurse.

After the three of them arrived in Joyce's hospital room, they saw her laying in bed with a little pink bundle.

"Hey, honey." Hopper said as he cautiously approached. As gently as he could, he leaned down and pecked her on the lips.

"Hi, sweetheart." Joyce said tiredly. She motioned for Jonathan to come over and see the baby.

"What's her name?" Jonathan asked with eyes full of curiosity while Hopper picked Will up into his arms.

"Daddy and I settled on the name Sarah Jane. What do you think?" Joyce asked as she smoothed Jonathan's hair out of his face.

"I like it, Sarah Jane Hopper." Jim said with a smile as Jonathan nodded happily. "What do you think, Will?" The eldest brother asked.

"Yeah!" Will cheered happily as the rest of them laughed and smiled over the baby.

This was family, and family was forever. Nobody had to say goodbye this time.

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