Sweet Nothings

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Hopper was patting Will's back as the baby laid draped over his shoulder. His head immediately shot up from the TV as he heard the doorknob rattling.

It couldn't be Joyce, she was still sleeping in her bedroom. Hopper's heart dropped into his stomach as he saw the door open.

"Why is there a fucking pig in my house?" Lonnie shouted as he saw Hopper.

"Get out. Now!" Hopper growled as he stood up from the couch with Will.

"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do in my house? What's the matter asshole, you can't find a family of your own so you take mine?" Lonnie spat as he stepped up closer to Hop.

"I'm giving you six seconds to get the fuck out of here before I kick your ass." Hopper yelled in his face.

"Hop what's going... Lonnie?" Joyce asked as she emerged from her room. "Lonnie, get out."

"You miss me, baby? I guess not since your already shacking up with this dick sucker." Lonnie sneered. The smell of vodka was filling the room from his drunken breath.

"I'm here to help her because you're just father of the year aren't you? Leaving your wife with a six-year-old and two-week-old? Just as good of a man as your father, huh?" Hopper spat back.

Lonnie went to throw a fist as Hopper ducked, covering the infant from the punch. Joyce quickly retrieved Will from Jim and stepped back.

Instead of beating up Lonnie like he wanted to, Hop pushed him against the wall and grabbed his wrists.

"Lonnie Byers, you're under arrest for child endangerment and assault of a police officer. Joyce, please call Flo and have her send the boys down." Hopper asked as he slapped cuffs onto Lonnie before dragging him out to the blazer.

"I'll be back, asshole! You're not gonna steal my family because you're too fucking stupid to have your own." Lonnie yelled as Hopper stuffed him in the blazer.

Jim grabbed Lonnie by the collar of his coat and went nose to nose with him. "You are going to stay away from Joyce and the kids. You left, so stay that way. Next time you come back, I will kill you. Is that understood?" Hopper gritted out through his teeth.

When Lonnie didn't answer, he slammed his head against the seat. "I said, is that understood?" Hopper shouted in his face.

"Fuck off, pig." Lonnie spat. Just as Hopper raised his fist to knock his teeth out, Powell and Callahan pulled up.

"Get this asshole out of here and book him." Hopper shouted as he pulled Lonnie by the neck.

"What the hell happened?" Powell asked as Callahan shoved him into their car.

"Tried to punch me when I was holding the baby. I want him down for child endangerment and assault of a cop. Don't let me see his ass here again." Hopper said as he went back in the house and slammed the door.


"I'm so sorry, Hop." Joyce said as she handed him a cup of coffee. She sat down on the couch next to him as he fed Will a bottle.

"Don't apologize, Joyce. You didn't do anything." Hopper said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I'm changing the locks today. I'm so sick of him and his bullshit." Joyce sighed.

"I'll take you down to Melvald's to pick up a new lock. Is Jonathan okay? He didn't see too much did he?" Hopper asked nervously.

"No, he's alright. I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you've done for me, I can't thank you enough." Joyce said as she patted his back.

"You don't have to thank me, Joyce. Just promise me one thing." Jim said as he set down his mug.

"Anything." She replied.

"Don't ever let him back in this house again. If he was willing to punch me with the baby in my arms then I don't know what he'd do to you and the boys." Hopper said with a worried look.

"I'm done with him. Done for good." Joyce answered with a sorrowful expression.

Hopper could tell that Joyce was about to cry before he swayed her into a hug.


"Hey, buddy." Joyce said quietly as she walked into Jonathan's room. Will was snuggled into her arms and sleeping soundly.

"Hi, Mommy." Jonathan greeted as he turned away from his desk. Joyce could see that he was coloring in a new coloring book that Hopper bought for him.

"Here, come sit next to me." Joyce patted the bed and motioned for him.

"Why was daddy here today?" Jonathan asked innocently. He was too young to understand all of this... he was too young to have to deal with Lonnie's crap.

"Well, Daddy isn't supposed to be here and he got in trouble. I'm sorry about this, baby." Joyce said sadly as she brushed his hair down with her hand.

"Is he coming back?" Jonathan asked with a sour face. Joyce had always known that he wasn't his father's number one fan. She shook her head with a frown. "No, Honey. He's not coming back. Is that okay?"

Jonathan nodded. "He's scary sometimes, Mommy. I don't want him to hurt us." His words broke Joyce's heart. No child should ever have to be scared of their father.

"He won't hurt us, I promise. Hop took him to a place where bad men go. He won't let daddy hurt us." Joyce looked down at her feet. Why did this have to be so difficult?

"Is Uncle Jim gonna be our new daddy?" Jonathan asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Wh...what?" Joyce asked in pure shock. How was she supposed to respond to that?

"Are you gonna get married to him?" He asked with his eyes widened.

"Oh, honey I... I don- I don't think that's gonna happen." Joyce said worriedly.

"Do you want to marry him?" Jonathan asked again. Joyce felt like she was being interrogated with questions. Could she honestly confide in her six-year-old knowing he wouldn't understand anyway?

"Well, Uncle Jim and I have a special relationship. He's like my best friend." Joyce began as her son nodded. "And sometimes when you're friends with someone you like them more than just a friend. "

"Like a mommy and daddy." Jonathan stated While Joyce nodded.

"But even when you like someone like a mommy likes a daddy, it doesn't always mean that it will end up that way. Two people should feel the same way, but I don't think Uncle Jim likes me that way. Do you understand?" Joyce asked as she looked down at him intently.

"Yeah. If Uncle Jim does like you that way, will you marry him?" He asked her with what seemed like a sliver of hope.

"I don't know. I uh... I don't know, buddy." Joyce said as she patted his arm.

"But you like him that way? Like a mommy likes a daddy?" Jonathan asked.

Joyce stared at the floor and tried not to let tears well in her eyes.

"Yeah, I think I do. Very much so."

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