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   They had been in school for about two weeks, and Blake was finally adjusted to her schedule and running across campus. It was Friday, and class had just gotten out. She was reading her favorite book Man with two souls on the couch when Yang walked in.
   "Heya kitty cat, I was wondering if you'd want to hang out with me and my band mates tonight. We're planning on rehearsing and then playing capture the flag when it gets dark" Yang said, holding one arm behind her back.
   "Hmm" Blake's left cat ear twitched "I'm not sure, I'm kind of sensitive to loud noises." Blake said, still looking at her book.
   "Yep, so that's why i got you these." Yang said as she held out her arms, revealing some ear plugs for both sets of Blake's ears. "Now you can come and not have to hear our music as loud. You can even bring your book."
   Blake hesitated "i don't know..."
   "Please? I really want you to meet my friends. I feel bad always leaving you here all alone" Yang said, frowning. Blake didn't enjoy seeing Yang upset, for whatever reason, she didn't know why.
   "Look, I... I like being alone. Ive always been shy and on my own. The only close friend I really had was a guy named Adam. We're still good friends, he just lives back home..." Blake said, looking out the window.
   "Well now you've got me to be your new best friend." Yang said, sitting down and putting her arm around Blake, pulling her in for a side hug. "Trust me, it'll be fun." Yang waited a few second for Blake to respond but was only met with silence. "Here I'll make you a deal, if you come out and actually enjoy yourself, then you have to hang out with us again. If not, then I won't ask again." Blake knew at this point Yang wasn't going to stop asking until she gave in.
   "Ugh fine. Let's do it" Blake sighed. Yang immediately jumped to her feet and fist pumped the air.
   "Yes! I'll go get you some of my clothes for capture the flag! It'll get chilly" Yang said running off to her room. Blake just rolled her eyes, but she was glad Yang didn't see the small smile that appeared on her face.

[time jump]

The band had just gotten done with practice, and Blake didn't admit it at first, but they actually sounded quite good. She especially loved watching Yang and how into the drums she got. At one point Yang took off her shirt from sweating so much and played in just her yellow sports bra. Blake had to look away before getting caught staring.
   Why do I keep getting butterflies when I'm around her she though to herself. She sighed, pushing the thought from her head.
   Once they finished the final song, they all highfived, but Blake noticed Sun go and hug Yang, while her shirt was still off. Blake felt sick watching the way they interacted together. She'd been noticing how close Sun and Yang were, but the part that bothered her the most about it was how upset she got when she watched them together
   I wish she'd hug me like that... NO! Stop, she's just a friend Blake, what are you thinking!
   Blake closed her eyes and shook her head, but when she opened her eyes she was met with a pair of abs. She looked up to see lilac eyes staring down at her, concerned.
   "What's wrong kitty cat?" Yang said, while putting her shirt back on.
   "Oh, um, n-nothing. I'm fine, promise" Blake said, trying to hide her blush as much as possible. Yang stared at her for a few seconds before shrugging.
   "Okay then. We're going to meet up with. JNPR for capture the flag. Let's get going kitten." Yang said, turning and saying bye to the band, saying she'll meet them at 'the shed' whatever that meant.
   Blake and Yang headed out the front and jumped on BMBLB, Yangs bike. They drove for about 39 minutes until the game to a field with two hills on either side. In the middle was an old shed. Blake noticed they seemed to be the last one there. She saw Sun, Neptune, Ruby, Weiss, and four others. A guy with black hair and a pink streak in it, a blonde haired boy, a red headed girl, and a smaller orange haired girl. They jumped off the bike and walked up to the group.
   "Hey JNPR! How's it going guy?" Yang said, greeting each of the four Blake didn't know with a hug.
   "It's going good, but it's going to be great when we kick your guy's butts!" Said the small orange haired girl. "Who's you're blacked haired friend there?"
   "Oh, JNPR? This is Blake. Blake, this is Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora" Yang said, pointing to each as she listed the names. Blake nodded and smiled. Yang turned to the group and started talking. "Alright everyone! We all know the rules of capture the flag like always, but maybe go a little easy on Blake seeing how it's her first time."
    "That's what she said" chimed in Sun, who received a punch to the shoulder from Yang.
    "Anyways, Nora and I will be team captains. Seeing as how my team won the first game last time, I will choose first..." Yang scanned the group and tapped her chin, thinking. "Blake!"
   Nora ended up with Jaune, Neptune, Weiss, and Pyrrha. Yang ended up with Blake, Ruby, Sun, and Ren. Each team had about 10 minutes to come up with a plan and to hide their flag. They also used nerf guns to take out opposing team members. Yangs team ended up sending ruby to get the flag, Sun and Ren to scout, and blake and yang to protect the flag. Once the 10 second countdown ended, the rest of Blake's team ran while she and yang stayed behind to guard. Blake sat and watched, also while being overwhelmed by her own thoughts of yang and sun together.
   "Blake are you okay? You seem distant." Yang said, pausing. "Well, more distant then usual."
   "Uhhh yeah I'm okay" Blake said, refusing to look at Yang.
   "Blake, look at me." Blake turned her head to Yang but kept her eyes down. "You can tell me anything, you know that right?" Blake nodded and sighed.
   "Okay I guess..." Blake struggled but eventually got the words out. "Are you and Sun dating?" Yang stared at her, dumbfounded for a few second before bursting out laughing. Blake launched at Yang and put her hand over her mouth before Yang gave them away. Once Yang stopped laughing she said through tears "Sun is gay! He's dating Neptune!" Yang continued to laugh even more, causing Blake to get red.
   "Oh... okay I just thought you were since you two seem so close..."
   "Blake, I've know Sun since preschool. We are close, he's one of my best friends. But no, we are not dating." Yang said, coughing from laughing so much. "Why'd it bother you so much?"
   Blake was about to respond when suddenly there was a crashing sound from outside. Yang stood and looked out the window and saw Ruby running with Nora's teams flag but Nora was hot on her tail. You could practically see roses coming from Ruby.
   "Shit Blake we gotta go help ruby!" The girls jumped to their feet, running from the building. Yang ran straight at Nora without stopped and tackled her to the ground. Ruby made it to the safe zone and jumped in triumph.
   "NOOOO!" Screamed Nora, defeated.
   "Hey Nora it's fine, this is just the, what, 4th time I've won in a row? You really gotta start getting better. I'm starting to get bored" yang said, causing her team to laugh. "anyone up for victory milkshakes?" Yang yelled, which was followed by whoops and hollers. Blake looked around at her new friends and smiled.

Blake and Yang got back to their dorm at 2 in the morning. They both were exhausted, and Yang ended up having to carry Blake from the lobby to their dorm and set her down on her bed. Yang tucked Blake into bed, and before leaving, kissed Blake in between her cat ears.
   "Goodnight Blake" she said, leaving the room. Once Yang closed Blake's door, she leaned against the wall, and smiled, thinking about Blake.

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