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   The next morning after the show at juniors Blake awoke under yellow covers and found Yang was missing. Blake sat up and put her feet down on the cold wooden floor. She tip-toed to the door and opened it to hear silence. She had assumed Yang would be in the living room or kitchen, but there was no one to be found.
   She checked her phone for the time and saw it was 2:53 pm. Dang, I slept for 12 hours? She thought. On the kitchen counter was a note

      I went to the library to study and have a coffee, I'll be back around 5 pm

   Blake shrugged and sat on the couch and put on some of the 100.

   When Yang got back she had was wearing a grey hoodie with the hood up, which was already unlike her, but what was really unlike her is she immediately went to her room without saying a word.
   Blake looked up from the 100 and and narrowed her eyes in concern. She got up from the couch and crept towards Yang's door and knocked quietly. When Yang didn't answer immediately Blake slowly opened the door and saw Yang sitting the the opposite side of her bed.
   "Yang?" Blake said, "are you okay?"
    "I'm fine Blake" Yang said with a quiet tone.
    "Are you sure yang?"
    "Yes I am fine!" Yang whipped around to look at Blake, eyes red. Blake was taken off guard and stumbled backwards out of the door. Yang got up and slammed her door.
   Blake stood there staring at the door, trying to hold back the tears, but couldn't. She went straight to her room and cried until she passed out.

   The next few weeks were super awkward. Blake and Yang didn't talk other then the occasional "see ya" in passing. Blake couldn't stand it. She was tired of hiding in her room. She missed the gang, but more importantly she miss Yang. She needed to talk to Yang and see what was going on.
    She didn't understand how after the show at juniors and Yang's song to her how everything flipped 180.

   Blake knocked on Yang's door.
   "Come in" Blake heard from the other side of the door. Yang was at her desk working on something, biting in the tip of her pen. "Yang can we talk?" Blake said, peering in. Yang took the pen out of her mouth, turned in her chair and looked at Blake.
   "Sure, what's up?" Blake hadn't noticed it until now, but Yang looked absolutely exhausted. She had dark circles under her eyes, she was in sweats, and her hair was almost a dull blonde, as opposed to its usual bright glow.
   "... are you doing okay?" Blake asked as she walked over and sat on the edge of Yang's bed. Yang just stared at her. "I mean... I feel like you and I have been distant since that night at juniors... we haven't talked other then a hello, it feels super awkward and I feel like I did something wrong." At the last sentence Yang's eyes got wide and filled with concern.
   "No! No not at all! You didn't do anything Blake... I'm sorry I made you feel like you did." Yang stood and sat by Blake, looking into her eyes. "I'm sorry I've been quiet and distant... I've... Ive just been dealing with something's..." Her words trailed off and her lilac eyes darkened as she looks away to the ground.
   "Yang... you know you can talk to me right?" Yang looked back up at Blake with tears in her eyes.
   "I know..." Yang whispered quietly. "It's just... it's my mom"
   "Your mom?"
   "Yes my mother...

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