A new life

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Blake stared up in awe at the tall white tower; the main building of her dream school, the university of beacon. Lost in amazement, she didn't even hear her mother walk up behind her. She jumped at the sudden touch of her mothers hand in her shoulder.
"Nervous there honey?" Chuckles Kali, leaning in to kiss Blake's cheek.
"No, just... terrified" Blake said, looking down. "What if I'm not good enough for these classes?"
"Are you crazy Blake?" Said her father, Ghira, while kissing Blake in between her black cat ears "you worked your butt off through high school. 5 AP classes, top girl of your class, and you got yourself a full ride scholarship to this school. You deserve to be here more then anyone else." His words were true. Blake had dreamt of coming to this school since she was 7, and had worked incredibly hard in high school to be as good as possible. She graduated top of her class, with a 5.0 due to her AP classes, and had a perfect score on her ACT. But even with all that, she still thought she wasn't good enough for the school.
Blake was about to respond when she was suddenly ran into by a Tall Girl with crazy blonde hair. As Blake fell back onto the ground the blonde turned and ran backwards.
"I'm sorry!" She yelled and turned and continued running. As Blake tried to get back up a boy with a monkey tail and blond hair ran by. She looked back and watched the two blondes run off, the girl laughing while the boy kept yelling for her to get back to him.
She looked back up at her father who watched the two with angry eyes, fist clenched. Her mother helped her up and Blake out her hand on her fathers rather large hand.
"Dad it's okay, I'm fine." Blake looked down at her watch, checking the time "shoot I should probably head to my dorm now. I love you both so much." Blake hugged both of her parents and kissed them both on the cheek. As she walked up to the main entrance, she turned and waved to her parents. When she turned back to open the door, she noticed her hand shaking. She closed her eyes, counted down from three, and sighed. When she opened her eyes she pushed through the doors, ready to start her new life.

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