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It was as if Andrew was fresh out of an oven, seeing how high his temperature was.

His weak body fell back unto the couch after he set the thermometer back on the table. He started to rub his temples, feeling a headache stirring up. When Andrew was sick, it was as if all hell broke loose. There were times where he'd either vomit every hour, sneeze the whole day or simply be the weakest man alive. Today, he was basically a limp noodle with the worst colds anyone could ask for.

Christian came into the room, fully dressed but clearly just fresh out of the shower as proven by him wiping his hair with a towel. "Hey Andy, why didn't you eat your breakfast? You know I ma—"

Christian stopped speaking when he looked up to see his boyfriend on the couch, a blank expression on his face as he stared at the thermometer. After cursing under his breath and throwing the towel onto a chair, Christian walked over to where Andrew was sitting and held a hand to his forehead. The sick man simply points at the thermometer on the table, as if he were blaming it.

"You're calling in sick and so am I." Christian announced, ready to walk away to go and get his phone in their bedroom when Andrew used his last bit of strength to pull his lover back.

"I'm fine, Borle. I just need some meds and water and I'm good." Andrew reassured, using all his might to stand. Unfortunately, he failed to maintain his balance, using the arms out the couch to steady himself. Christian folds his arms.

"I knew something was up when you started clearing your throat a lot yesterday. And, I would normally say that you look handsome whenever I get the chance to but you really look horrible right now, Andrew."

"Thanks for the enlightenment, Christian." The tall man scoffed.

"Hey, I care about you. You know that. Now please, let me go so that I can call James."

"I'm not letting you do that."

Christian groaned. Andrew could be really adamant about his decisions. "There's no harm in missing one rehearsal, Rannells. It's not going to kill you."

"I know."

Christian was puzzled. "What?"

"I said I know. I'm just not taking that chance. I'm going."

"I'm not letting you."

"I'm a grown man. I make my own decisions."

"Yeah, you're a grown man with a fever and colds and you need to rest."

"I'm fine."

"Oh my god," Christian sighed, rubbing his eyes as he felt more irked than ever. Will this man ever back down in a fight? Doesn't he know that this is for his own good?

Without a warning, Andrew came in for a hug. Not the kind of hug that was uncomfortable when unexpected, but the kind that just warmed you. It was a simple gesture, but Christian felt Andrew's love. He relaxed in his hold, feeling more comfortable in his arms than ever.

"I love you, Christian. And I know you love me too. But, please, don't focus on me all the time. I can take care of myself. Rehearsals today will be fine. I can rest when it's over."

The shorter man knew that there was no changing Andrew's decision now, so he simply pressed a soft kiss on his neck to which they both giggled to.

"I hope you'll feel better, Andy."

"I already do. Want me to prove it?" Andrew smirked, playing with the belt of Christian's jeans.

"Ugh, god, I don't want to be late for work again."

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