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I felt so uncomfortable under my sister's analytical gaze. She paced around me looking for any imperfection in the suit that had undergone six additional alterations to make me look as perfect as possible. The staff had to be sick of getting orders from her but were really doing well to hold their tongues. She looked at every aspect of my suit taking in each individual detail trying to spot anything other than perfection. She finally looked at my hemline making sure it was even before she looked up with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Perfect, now we just have to make sure you lotion between your fingers on the big day and that Austin wears briefs, not boxers so the attendees won't see the family jewels swinging in his slacks and it will be perfect. Take it off carefully and well go through the hall one more time before you guys take me out to lunch," she said leaving the fitting room with a bounce in her step. I rolled my eyes at her as I stepped out of my clothes placing them on the velvet hanger then put my own before walking out the room where Austin was waiting for me. He had a huge smile on his face and kissed me on the cheek when I got close enough.

"How about you two wait for the wedding night to do all of that we have things we need to do," Chloe said grabbing my hand and leading me away to the hall where we would have the small wedding and then the reception area. She started talking about switching out fabrics and my mind began to wander to my kids who we would be taken to family court to finalize the adoptions the Wednesday after the wedding. I missed the boys even though they had only been on separate play dates for two hours. Ian got invited to his new friends birthday party while Amar made a friend in his class and begged to go over.

"NOEL," Chloe shouted getting my attention her face the picture of annoyance.

"I said that I'm ready to go," she said walking away after grabbing her purse from a chair she had sat it on when we first got here. She then turned to leave while Austin and I trailed behind her to the car where she got into the back seat. Before I could get in the passenger's side Austin grabbed me and gave me a passionate kiss. I immediately put my arms on his shoulder as he lifted me a little bit. He smelled amazing wearing some sort of new cologne that was woodsy and masculine. His big hands gave my ass a strong squeeze and could feel him hardening in his jeans. I did my best not to moan into the kiss which I gladly succeeded at.

"What was that for," I asked after a solid twenty seconds of kissing.

"I'm just in a good mood. Can't wait to see how you look at the wedding in your suit," he said placing me down then opening the door for me. He watched me climb into the jeep before he closed the door and jobbed over to his side and pulling off.

"Where do you guys want to go," he asked both of us and I shrugged since I never really had a preference for where to go to eat. He rolled his eyes at me preferring I made suggestions before he did.

"Bae took me to this Thai place near downtown, I synced my phone to your car so just follow where it says," Chloe said and turned on her music I made a mental note of the progression of her relationship. Austin did what she said and followed where the voice told him to until we ended up in this little hole in the wall on the other side of town. We all got out the car and walked into the building where it was self-seating and took a booth near the front and waited for someone to take our orders.

"So are you guys ready to be married," Chloe asked looking at both of us with a smile.

"Defiantly, can't wait to wake u to my husband every day for the rest of my life. Can't wait to adopt the boys and take them to games, and show up at parent-teacher conferences. I can see our whole lives together and I couldn't be any readier to start it," Austin sad immediately as he threw his arm over me. I smiled at his comment and that gave Chloe all she needed to playfully tease me.

"I can't wait for this week to go by, I want to be married to this big guy and be legally the dads' of Amar and Ian," I said just as the waitress came over to take our drink and food orders. We all got the same thing pretty much at different levels of spiciness.

"Are you guys going to adopt any more kids later or are you good," Chloe asked us. We had only discussed that once or twice without really any real answer.

"Maybe later on when the boys are a little older, but for now we're focusing on them, " I said looking at Austin and saw that he seemed to be in agreement with what I had said.

"Okay," she said going back to texting on the phone while we waited for our food to come so we could eat then go pick up the boys.

"Hey baby, I love you and can't wait till we get married," he smiled as he pulled me into a kiss that of course made me blush. Just a week to go before we made everything official and not even the test I had tomorrow could make me feel any less like I was walking on a cloud.

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