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Today was the day that Noel was going to make an honest man out of me. I looked myself over in the mirror as Joran and JoJo were finishing getting themselves ready. I checked to make sure my tie looked right and made sure nothing was in between my teeth. I was almost deliriously happy about what was about to start in a mere fifteen minutes. My simple gray suit was tailored perfectly showing off my hard earned muscles but not looking tight on me which was hard to get right. I placed a single faded purple flower in my blazer to tie everything together.

"You ready bro," Joran asked him being my best man.

"Yeah," I am I said in response brushing off some lint on my shirt.

"Good because I like you now but I will shoot you if you get cold feet and runoff," Jojo said jokingly but still serious.

"It's time," someone shouted from the door.

"Alright niggas time for me to get married," I said doing my best not to skip to the side door where I was to enter. I stopped just in front of the door and took a deep breath before opening it and walking through. The hall was more beautiful than the walkthrough. The gray complimented all the purple features placed in the room perfectly. All of my old firefighting buddies along with a few friends I made at the office were sitting around mixed in with Noel's friends from the hospital and one of our caseworkers. They all had smiles on when we walked through the door and took our pace on the stage. I was now beginning to feel nervous, this was really it I was going to marry the man I found on a burning coffee shop floor. I noticed the smell of what I knew to be tea but couldn't figure out which kind. Chloe didn't pass on a single detail in the place and I would have to thank her a lot more than I already had done. I didn't have but so much time to take in the subtle details before a soft song played from overhead announcing the official beginning of the ceremony. I immediately smiled seeing Ian walk in with our two silver golden rings. He walked to his mark before Amar walked in holding his little baby cousin who was holding a tiny flower basket that he helped her throw on the ground. Next came the grooms-women, Chloe, and Chanel both wearing identical dusty purple dresses that were long but flattering. They both looked beautiful, Jojo was looking at his wife basically undressing her with his eyes and Joran was smiling hard as well.

Then it happened, my heart stopped seeing Noel walk in wearing this plaid gray suit with purple undertones to it. It fit just right showing off his body nicely, his eyes immediately met mine and I smiled like a kid let loose in a toy store. I knew I was crying from the joy I was feeling and I knew the firefighters had their phones out to record it and harass me with it for years to come. He walked up quicker than a bride would and come to my side. For the first time in a day, I grabbed his hands and looked him in the eye noticing the priest for the first time. I could hear him speaking but I wasn't listening to a word he was saying I was so captivated with Noel standing in front of me looking amazing until he squeezed my hand getting me to pay attention, he knew me so well.

"I am so glad that everyone in attendance has the opportunity to celebrate the marriage of Noel and Austin. A marriage is a very special ceremony that should only be performed between two people who are truly in love. For both Noel and Austin, this ceremony means that they will count on one another wholeheartedly, that they will treat one another with care, respect, and dignity. They will continue to share their lives with each other as partners, as friends, and to go on building their future together with their two amazing sons. This ceremony expresses the spiritual, emotional, mental, social, and even physical bond that they experience together. Their union is an ongoing process of exploring their growth as individual persons and as a couple. As a minister, I welcome the opportunity to give voice to my conviction that every relationship of love between human beings is sacred and worthy of celebration no matter the color, orientation, or the identities of the people in it. I am delighted today to perform this ceremony of marriage/two people who love and honor one another in a way that many will never understand. There is no greater thing in the world than the joining of two souls for eternity. Love is a powerful force that can lead to many things and is something that is formed deliberately between two souls, and not by accident. Allowing the growth of this emotion is the acceptance of joy, possibility, tenderness, and a devotion to living a life worth living. This love does not start with a public ceremony; this ceremony is only a public testimony. I only ask that both grooms allow the love they have to continue to blossom and grow to make the world a better place to be. Now for the vows," The minister spoke and I could see a few tears falling from Noel's face so I wiped them away and smiled at him.

"I guess it's my turn to speak," I began to say but someone burst into the room. I looked and some that punk ass doctor who tried me.


"Don't worry I got this," JoJo said stepping down from the stage and meeting the man in the middle of the aisle.

"This isn't the time or the place," Jojo said only for Dr.Houdeck to push him. Jojo grabbed him really quick only for two of my buddies to take him away.

"Go back up we'll make sure he's gone," Noel's boss said getting up not looking happy. I watched as they escorted him out.

"I'm sorry, as I was saying, I guess it's my turn to speak," I said looking Noel in the eyes I could tell he was annoyed but after a few seconds of us looking at each other he nodded for me to begin," Before we met, I was continuing through life just trying to make it. I never knew that I could be this happy but you have managed to make all of my days brighter. I've never experienced love and happiness like this before. I look forward with great joy to spending the rest of my life with you, caring for you, nurturing you, being there for you in all life has for us, and I vow to be true and faithful for as long as we both shall live. I, Austin Jefferson, take you, Noel Smith, to be my partner, loving everything about you that I know, and excited to learn the things that I haven't figured out as of yet. I can't wait to grow together, getting to know the father you will become as our kids grow, and to fall in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us."

He was crying and smiling at me so I wasn't sure he would be able to say his vows," I, Noel Smith, take you, Austin Jefferson, to be my husband, and friend. I happily commit my life to you; a life that would be full of love, faith, trust, hope, and a joy. I am beyond excited to spend the rest of my life with you as long as love remains. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you and respect you. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life."

Now I was crying as the minister began to speak,"Can I get the rings handsome young man," he asked Ian who walked over smiling at us and nervous about the attention being on him which made me smile. He was taking after Noel in the way that Amar was taking after me.

"Love freely given has no beginning and no end. These rings symbolize the never-ending circle of love and life. May they remind you always of the vows you have taken this day and of the Eternal love which is given abundantly to us all. Now take these rings as a symbol of this commitment, that wherever you go, you will return to each other, whatever you have you will share with each other, for your lives are joined in love and trust," My heart beat strong and hard as I placed his new ring on his finger and he placed one on mine.

"Austin and Noel, as you have chosen to join together in a bond of marriage/civil union/holy and loving union, and have pledged yourselves to each other in the presence of family and friends, it is my joy and privilege to pronounce you partners in life," the minister said and I didn't need a queue for what to do next. I grabbed Noel close and placed a hand on his face before kissing him deep and passionately. I brought him close to me as everyone watching clapped.

"Please congratulate MR. and MR. Robinson," the minister said and I smiled into the kiss.

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