xii. big jet plane

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"I'M REALLY SORRY." Mace dropped to his knees then, taking my hands into his. "I was way too drunk, Kayla, I don't even remember saying anything like that to you."

 I pulled my hands out of Mace's, but couldn't force the smile back from my lips. We were at Kenny's house, in the gravel of his driveway, prepared for the day ahead. All of the older group were gathering together to go to an abandoned and forbidden quarry known as Paradise. Mace was coming along, so I couldn't quite ignore him forever—especially since he was so intent on earning my forgiveness.

 "Bet you felt it, though," Bertram mused, standing a couple of feet to my side.

 Mace met my eyes, his own wide with what looked like exaggerated sincerity. "I still feel it. I can't believe you punched me in the face, but hey, I deserved it, okay? You got your revenge. Now, please," he whined dramatically, "don't be mad at me!"

 A large part of me wanted to be stubborn and set my jaw, to grimace at him in disgust. But Mace was just too comical to hold a grudge against. There was no doubt that he had drank too much. And so I sighed, ruffled his pink hair, and said, "Get off of your knees, you psycho."

 Bertram muttered under his breath; I caught the words "wants" and "suck" and a final, unprintable word. Mace seemed to hear it too, because he laughed at the same moment as I did. Nevertheless, Mace got to his feet, dusting off the gravel from his bare knees.

 "I really am sorry, Kayla," Mace said; sincerity flashed in his eyes.

 "It's fine." Although I rolled my eyes, I was smiling. "Let's just forget it happened, okay? It was stupid, anyway."

 Just then, another car pulled into the driveway, behind Benny's car. The flash of silver was enough: I knew immediately that it was Jordan. A broad smile spread across my face, and I made my way to meet him.

 Jordan's window rolled down, revealing his bright, smiling face. After leaning down to peck his lips, I said, "So the party's complete."

 "We ready, then?" Bertram called, leaning against Benny's car, watching me.

 "Yes," I confirmed. "Could you go get the others? Tell them it's time to go."

 "On it."



FINDING the quarry consisted of squeezing through a small opening beneath a fence and traveling through pathless greenery. As we made our voyage, Ivy explained a few things.

 "You have to be careful. Some areas of the floor are higher than they should be, especially if you're jumping from the highest point. You'd go splat, I'll tell you that much. So, yeah, a few people have died here. Also, there'll be a truck somewhere underwater. Some guy murdered a girl, and after it, he drove his truck into the water here to hide the weapon and the drugs."

 Leah's eyes were as wide as saucers. "And they call this place Paradise?"

 Ivy dropped one clean eyelid into a wink, a smile stretching across her glossed lips. "Just wait until you see it. It's gorgeous." After a moment of silent thought, she added, "And it's illegal, so there's that."

 Jordan's hand was laced with mine. Being with him for a couple weeks, all of the girlish excitement had calmed into something closer to comfort and familiarity. His hand was a bit rough, from years of handling baseball bats. The feeling alone was enough to set a pleasant smile on my mouth.

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