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            I remain.

            I still carry them away.        

            The souls, that is.

            The price was heavy, but eventually, like all things, it passed.

            The sky was dark and gloomy. Rain droplets stained the ground, like God Himself was crying along with Evelyn Arousela.

            I stood under the shade of a tree, watching. I bowed my head as Evelyn Arousela placed a bouquet of flowers on Markus Rivialani’s grave. Tears escaped from her eyes. Even though fifty years had passed, and despite the fact that Evelyn had aged greatly, her eyes retained their melting quality. They were warm and bright.

            “It seems that one thing I will never understand is how much love humans are capable of.” I said.

            Evelyn’s head snapped up. Her eyes saw me clearly, even among the shadows I stood in.

            “Will?” she said. Evelyn Arousela walked over to me, a sleek black umbrella raised over her head. Her hand reached out, wrinkled, but still the same, as she caressed my face. “You’re here.” She said in wonder. “Where were you? What happened?”

            I stared at the vast graveyard. “Will you take a walk with me?”

            “Of course,” she said. “One moment, though.”

            Evelyn turned around and began to walk to her car. As she did, a woman, not much older than Evelyn, stepped out.

Even from so far away I knew it was Celeste.

The two talked, even throwing glances my way every so often. Then Celeste went back inside the car, and Evelyn returned to my side.

“We have a lot to talk about.” She said quietly.

“We do,” I agreed. And we began to walk.


Evelyn Arousela died today.

Let’s simply start off with that.

She had died of old age. A peaceful death, the kind that she deserved.

            I was the one who retrieved her soul.

            After fifty years of bringing souls into Judgment, and having them judged every time by St. Peter to be damned to Hell, there was a quiet relief as I scooped Evelyn into my arms, feeling the memories of her life drift through my fingertips.

            I saw the day Celeste, Evelyn Arousela’s pen pal, moved next door to her. I felt their friendship filling up my whole entire body, warming me straight down to my feet. I glimpsed the day that Evelyn married. I saw her two children. And then her own grandchildren.

            And finally, I saw me.           

            I aw merely glimpses of my self in her earlier memories, standing quietly in the shadows, always watching in the silence. I saw me sitting or simply talking with Evelyn about a great many things. Beauty. Brutality. Demons. Love. Hell. Heaven. God.

            I saw the love in my eyes.

            Love, in my opinion, is the most powerful emotion of them all. It is strong and passionate. It is loyal and never wavering. And, for once, I am truly grateful that I met Evelyn Arousela. I am glad she has helped me in feeling this “love” of what you humans often so speak of.         

            I’ve come to the realization that more often than not, I am too quick to judge mankind. For your violence and vulgarity. For your greed and lust.

            I have never fully judged you deeper than the outside sins, though. NO, I have not judged you for you love, which is locked so deep inside of your soul. And now that I fully understand the mind and emotion of humans and their spirits, I know that mankind is not perfect. But, in a sense, it is pure in its love and kindness that comes in eclipses. I have seen it, but never comprehended the true generosity and love that a human possesses.

            I do not love Evelyn Arousela in the way that I would want to “marry” or “kiss” her, as you humans so often say. No, I love Evelyn Arousela in the way that God loves all. It is the purest and greatest love that transcends everything.

            I reached Judgment, walking slowly to St. Peter. His eyes looked down at Evelyn Arousela’s peaceful soul that I held within my hands.

            “Finally, a righteous soul you carry.” He said softly. His twinkling eyes seemed to brighten. “You may carry the angel into heaven.”

            “I may go into heaven?” I asked. Hesitantly, of course. The idea of actually entering God’s kingdom, so soon after entering Satan’s, astonished me.

            St. Peter nodded.

            The Gates of Heaven, so different from the Gates of Hell, opened, basking me in its pure joy.

            I walked forward, Evelyn’s soul stirring in my arms. Her spirit opened her eyes as we reached the threshold and I set her down on the ground. Her soul figure took my hand in hers.

            We stepped over the threshold.





            These are the things I saw as I walked side by side with Evelyn into heaven. I felt at peace like I never had before. I felt God’s presence. I felt other souls as well. I felt their joy and their purity.

            As we walked further, Evelyn’s soul began to change. White glorious wings sprouted from her back. Her eyes shifted from melting brown to a multitude of colors.

            We stopped in the midst of white glowing fog. I could not see anything, only feel Evelyn’s warm hand still wrapped around mind. I felt God’s presence everywhere, yet could not see him.

            “Thank you, Will.” Evelyn Arousela said to me. Her voice had transformed to one of beauty and holiness. “Good bye.”

            I felt her hand slip away from mine, yet I still spoke out. “Will I ever see you again?”

            “Of course. I will be with you always.” Evelyn said. Her voice sounded faint and far away.

            I nodded and turned around, taking a step forward. I found myself in Judgment once again, the bustle of Shadows remaining. I returned down to the earth and sat down on the sidewalk of Evelyn Arousela’s childhood house. I saw the spot where I first met her.

            How much has changed since.

            I continued staring at the open sky. Even now I felt Evelyn’s presence by my side. I could hear her voice murmuring thoughts within my mind.

            And at that point, there was a great silence from everywhere around me.

            I have seen a great many things in my time as a Shadow. I have witnessed the screaming cruelty of society. I have seen the pain and suffering of many that stood at death’s door, begging to breathe their last breath to end the grief.

I have seen Hell.

Yet I have also seen the kindness of many who stop and help those in need. I have seen many sacrifice everything for others. These are things that before I had never truly cared of savored. Until I met the little girl whose brother’s soul I was taking away.

A Final Message:

Allow each soul to walk its path.

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