Ch. 4 The Wedding Banquet

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Ch. 4 The Wedding Banquet




Three words.

And three very different parts of the story. Or rather, simply this chapter.

A Notification:

PART I: The Whispering Path


Falling to the ground like silver lead.

It was on this day that I traveled to Evelyn Arousela’s home.

You may wonder how I knew where she lived.

My answer: I have been on this earth for millions of years. I have traversed very square inch of it.

A more simplistic version of my answer: I know where every human lives. Their souls beg for my attention whenever I pass by their homes. Yet I know that I cannot take them yet. When the time is right. When their bodies are prepared to return to dust.

“This is a beautiful painting, Evelyn.” Markus Rivialani remarked, smiling down at Evelyn. He was a close friend of her’s. “The brushwork is simply astounding.”

“Thanks.” Evelyn smiled, finally stepping back from the painting.

I slipped into the house. As usual, I stood in the shadows.

The painting was of a man in a suit in the midst of a quaint neighborhood. Sunlight poured through the trees, yet they never touched the man. In his arms was a small white figure.

“What does it mean?” Markus inquired, his eyes fixated upon the result of Evelyn’s brush.

“It’s…” Evelyn suddenly hesitated. “It’s from a dream I had. ”

“Interesting…can you tell me about it?” Markus asked.

Evelyn swallowed. “It…in the dream, I heard whispers. They told me to go one direction. And I did. And then I saw my brother. He was dead. And there was a man. He picked up my brother’s soul in his arms.”

Markus smiled. “Sounds like a crazy dream. I’m so glad you decided to paint it.” Suddenly there was a loud blaring of music and he quickly shoved his hand in his pocket and brought out a cellphone. “Hello? Yeah. Okay…yeah. I know. Sorry, I just lost track of time. I’ll be there in five.”

Markus shoved the phone back in his pocket and glanced at Evelyn. She raised her eyebrow. “Work?”

He sighed and nodded. “Sadly, yes. I’ll come visit you next week, okay? Bye Evelyn.”

He quickly embraced the woman and departed. As soon as the door swung shut, I spoke. “Hello.”

Evelyn whipped around, startled. “Will?”

I leaned against the wall and watched the pouring sunlight that filtered in through the window.

                I wanted to say, “That’s me.” , or, “Who else could it be?”


                Was I Will?

                Or was I a Shadow?

                A demon?

                A friend?

                At that time I wasn’t sure if I was any of those words.

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