Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Stella's P.O.V.

5 Months Later

Its been 5 months and I am now the strongest wolf in the pack other than Tate and Peter. I have changed my entire look. I now have my hair down to my lower back, dyed a white/blue color. I've got the perfect body now with not a mark on my skin, well other than my scars and tattoos. I have a tattoo of the word 'Believe' with Peter Pan beside it on my lower back. I have the the quote 'To Die Would be an Awfully Big Adventure' on the back of my shoulder, and I have yet to get more tattoos. Tate and I have become very close. He treats me like a little sister. My wolf has finally got used to having no mate but she still missed him every now and then, as do I. She also seems to have grown very fond of Peter, who flirts with me almost constantly. I've become attached to him as well. His mate was human, she died in a car accident two years ago so he doesn't have to worry about anything unless he finds his second chance mate. Its rare but it happens sometime.
Today is the day we have to go meet the other 4 packs to sign the treaty. Every pack member has to attend so I have know other choice but to go. At the moment the entire pack was getting in their cars to go to the Blood Rose pack house. I was sitting in the passenger seat beside Tate. "Are you ready for this?" He asked and I nodded. Lacken and Peter both got in the back seat. "It'll be alright Stel we will beat up anyone who tries to mess with you! After all you're practically family." Peter said with a laugh and lean forward to kiss my cheek. I laughed. "I'm not worried. I'm not the weak girl I was 5 months ago." I said with confidence. It was quiet after I said that. I turn the radio on and 'As Long As You Love Me' by Justin Bieber came on. Me and Lacken both started singing as loud as we could while the boys yelled at us to stop trying to kill them. Me and Lacken were the best singers in the pack. Sometimes we would take requests and sing in front of the pack. Both of us had the same favorite singer, Justin Bieber, and favorite band, 5 Second of Summer. When the song finally ended we were laughing at the boys who were pretending they were dying. "Oh come on you know you love u-" Lacken and I both stopped speaking as we pulled up to Blood Rose pack house. We found somewhere to park amongst the many, many cars. "Are you ready Stel?" Tate asked as we got out of the car. "More than I've ever been before." I sighed and both Tate, and Peter, who grabbed my hand, stood at my sides while Lacken was on the other side of Tate. "Lets go!" Tate said as the pack joined us and Andrew, Jeremy, and Sallie came to stand behind us. We walked up and I immediately recognized the scent of my brother, James, and Alister. Along with the rest of the pack. None of them would recognize me. Not even my mate who's name I still didnt know, because I have been with Tate and his pack for so long. Tate knocked on the door and a tall blonde guy answered. "Hello, may I ask which pack you are?" He smiled at us. He seemed like a nice guy. "I'm Alpha Titus of the Black Sky pack." Tate said in his Alpha voice. The guy nodded and stepped aside to let us in. Inside the house there were a ton of werewolves from the different packs. I saw James and smiled at Peter who looked at me confused. I pointed over at James. "That's James. I'm sure he is Alpha now but when I was in the Howlers he wasn't yet." I spoke quietly to him, Lacken, Andrew and Tate. All four of them growled. "Walk with me sweetheart." Peter said, walking towards James with my hand in his. I heard the others laugh as they watched us. We walked over and Peter bumped his shoulder into James and let go of my hand as we almost fell over. "Oh I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" Peter was an actor. The star of drama class at our school. James growled and turn around. "Watch it." His eyes found me and he smiled. "Well hello there. What's a hottie like you doing with this idiot." He tried to touch my waist only to be shoved away. I growled. "Don't talk to me like that James, it could get you in trouble." I smirked and I felt Tate and Andrew had joined us. He glared at us but turn away. "Tell me if you ever want to have a good time." He winked before disappearing into the crowd. Peter growled. "He is not going to talk about you like that!" He glared in the direction James had left and I laughed. "Oh don't worry about him." He sighed and nodded. I smelt another familiar scent and turn turn see Alister with a pretty girl with light brown hair. That is Alister, the beta. I said through the pack link. I walked over. "I love you Lilly you know I do." He said to the girl as he kissed her cheek softly. "I know, I love you to Alister. You're the sweetest." The girl giggled. He found his mate. I smiled at them. "Bet you dont know his past." I said to the girl. They both looked at me in shock. "Uh, do I know you?" He asked as he put his arm around his mate. "Yes you actually do. So does she know what you used to do to poor girls who were helpless and getting beaten for nothing." I watched as his face went scared. Lilly was watching me and didn't notice him shaking his head pleading me not to tell her. Alister had stood up for me once when we were younger. When it had started he tried to stop James but he paid the price for trying to stand up for the omega. "What do you mean?" Lilly asked. I looked at Alister again and he had fear in his eyes. I sighed. "He tried to save them.. only to be hurt in the process by his own bestfriend." I smiled at him and he sighed in relief. Lilly smiled. "You never told me about that Alister." She turn to him with a worried expression. "Its nothing I needed to talk about sweetheart. It was a long time ago, we were kids." He smiled at her and she nodded, smiling back then turning back to me. "So who are you?" She asked me. "Oh my name is Stella." I smiled and Alister smiled at me. "Oh well hi nice to meet you, my name is Lilly I'm Alister's mate. So how do you know eachother?" I nodded and laughed. "I could tell by the way he looks at you, and I used to be part of his pack." I answered her question and she smiled again. "Stella I cant believe its really you." Alister said before she could ask another question. "Yep! In the flesh. I already saw no brain James. He didnt know it was me and didnt give me a chance to tell him. He tried to hit on me." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "Well you may not believe me but I've missed seeing you around the house. You're brother has been a complete wreck.." He looked away as he spoke. I smiled. "Well I think I'm going to try and find my brother. Oh and let me introduce you to my new pack mates." I turn and pointed at the others and they all walked over. "This is Alpha Titus of the Black Sky pack. this is his beta Sam, and his third, Bruno." I pointed at each of them. "Nice to meet you all." Alister said. Lilly just smiled at them. "Oh and this is my bestfriend Lacken, her twin Peter, and Tate's twin, Andrew." I pointed at all of them. Peter was the only one who didnt say hi. I glared at him and he smirked. "Hi Alister. I've heard a lot about you." Peter shook his hand as he spoke. Alister smiled nervously. Be nice Peter. I told you he tried to save me once. I growled through the mind link. Fine I'll be nice. He laughed. I turn around quickly when I scent my brother. The others must have noticed my excitement. "What is it?" Tate laughed. I pushed through the crowd with them and Lacken following. Thats when I spotted him. "Asher!" I ran to him and he caught me in surprise. "Uh do I know you?" He looked at me with confusion. I laughed. "Uh hey, wanna tell us who this one is?" I heard Peter and Tate both ask. I turn to them. This is my brother! I said through the pack link then turn back to Asher. "You can't possibly tell me you don't remember your own little sister?" I smiled at him. He looked confused and then it registered in his mind. "Stella? Is it really you?" He stared at me in shock. I nodded and he tackled me in a bear hug. "You had me worried sick! Kaiden and I have been looking everywhere for you! Wait! Kaiden!" He turn and looked around but I grabbed his arm. "Who's Kaiden?" I asked. "Your mate!" I froze. My mate has been looking for me? Peter growled. My wolf was running circles in my mind. "No... Ash.. he didnt want me.. I dont want him to only want me for how I look..." I turn away as my eyes began to swell. I held back my tears. "Stella he didnt reject you..." Ash pulled me to look at him. "He left me! He didn't even come talk to me!" I was still holding back tears. "He didnt have a chance Stels.... I'll prove it to you ok? Stay right here please." He begged. I nodded and watched him run off. A couple second later he came back with somebody who was blindfolded. "Ok Kai tell her what happened." I stared at my brother in shock and so did Tate. Peter was growling. "Stella?" Kaiden whispered. "Yes?" I said softly. "I didn't want to walk away Stella! I wanted to come talk to you that day but that stupid ass hole pulled me away! I beat the shit out of him when I found out what he did to you. I was going to come see you right after school I swear I was! I don't care what you look like, I want you Stella. I want to get to know you. I want you to be my mate, my Luna." He stopped and I looked at him shocked. He was an Alpha? I steped away and bumped into Peter who put his arm around my waist. "Are you ok?" He sounded worried. I nodded but he wasn't convinced. "Stella?" I looked back to see Ash glaring at Peter and Kaiden with the blindfold still over his eyes. "You think just because you tell me all this, means I will forgive you? Ash, I thought you knew me better." I glared at them and Kaiden suddenly pulled off his blindfold. His eyes went black when he saw Peter's arm around me. "Get away from my mate." He growled. Peter growled back at him. "What mate? It sounds to me like she hasn't forgave you for what happened to her yet." He smirked and I slapped his arm. "He's an Alpha, Peter." He stopped when I said that. Tate was suddenly in front of us. "They are my pack members, I suggest you back down, or have you forgotten you are just barely the strongest Alpha in the packs. I have been training constantly. I could beat you if I tried." He growled at Kaiden which made my wolf mad. I grabbed his hand and he looked at me. "Dont start something you wont finish." I stared into his eyes and he smiled. "I can finish this excuse of an Alpha." He turn back to Kaiden and Asher. "No Titus. Dont waist you time. Tate, Peter, lets go." They both nodded and took places beside me as we turn to leave. I turn just in time to see Kaiden drop to his knees, staring after me with sadness. "Stella.. Why didn't you forgive him? He's your mate." Tate looked at me as he asked. I shrugged. "I don't know... I guess I'm just not ready for my mate yet..." I suddenly felt like I was about to start crying, and cry I did. The last thing I remember was Peter kissing my head and lifting me into his arms before I passed out.

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