22. Awkward Moments

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After the disastrous meeting with the social workers, the afternoon at soft play was just what we needed. Things were getting better. However, I spoke to soon. All the forces in the universe channelled to turn the tide of events and turn this wonderful day into an embarrassment for me. This was how it always panned out for me.

When I went on my first ever 'date' with Amjad to get to know each other, I ended up throwing up over my lovely red satin dress. The long strand of hair in the Lamb curry made my gag and I regurgitated my starter. Amjad sat back and threw napkins at me whilst I wished the ground would open up and swallow me with the customers glaring at me in disgust.

I didn't tell Amjad about the hair, instead I made an excuse that I had a dodgy stomach. He gave me a tenner for the taxi back, as he didn't want me to 'stink his car out'. That was one of the worst days in my life.

Today, something more humiliating broke the scale of embarrassment. When I stepped off the slide, I felt a patch of wetness against my inner thigh. My underwear was wet and that's when I feared the worse.

'Please God, don't let me start my period here dressed in my white leggings!'

However, my last-minute prayer was too late. I lifted my dress and could see a sliver of red cascade down the inside of my thigh and my bum smeared with a red stain.

Quickly I looked up scanning to see if anyone noticed. Thankfully everyone was busy having fun to notice my body malfunction. I grabbed my bag and quick-footed to the toilets in a rush pulling my dress down to cover the red stain on white fabric. Why was this happening to me? It was going so well.

When I made my way inside the bathroom, there was a queue for the toilets. So, I had to stand behind 3 little children who were the same height as my legs and could easily see the red river. Once child turned to me, and looked up. She didn't say anything but whispered to another. I grew suspicious and paranoid. Surely, they were talking about me? By the time I stepped inside the safety of the cubicle I felt the wetness against my leg increase. It was gushing out heavier. Maybe stress bought my period on earlier?

On assessing the stain, I soon learned it was a disaster. The physical activity eased the flow and my white underwear smeared red. My leggings were shaded with a layer of red. There was no way I could walk out like this. I took off my leggings and my underwear and wiped myself down with lengths of toilet paper.

How on earth would I make my way to my car? Where would I get extra pair of clothes? I could have died in that smelly cubicle. The queue outside was growing, I could hear the murmurs of frustration as my cubicle was engaged for longer than necessary.

After mentally going through every scenario possible through my mind of how I could make my way to my car and remain my dignity, I gave up. There was no way I could do it. I took my phone from my bag and reached for the only person possible. Zayn. After two rings, he still didn't answer. How could he, the noise would have drowned out his mobile. On the third attempt, thankfully he answered and shouted,
"Where are you? I've been looking all over for you?"
The toilets were calmer and the sound of water trickling at the sinks.

"I've a problem." I mumbled.

"What?" He yelled unable to hear me.

I sighed in frustration. How do I tell him? What do I say? It was embarrassing and the last person I felt comfortable explain my period problems was Zayn.

"I'm in the toilet."

"Well, hurry."

"I can't. I can't!"

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