Skinny skinny skinny

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Kiarahs p.o.v

It was the last class of the day, and I had not eaten anything. Hailey had tried to feed me,

but I held my ground and said no.

My resistance to food was getting stronger.

I was getting that much closer to skinny.


Those six letters that I had engraved on my wrists to keep me strong.

Not for attention, but to remind me what I'm working for.

Skinny was everywhere. I could see it in all my friends, I could see it in everyone...

but me.

It was as if my mind would never stop screaming fat.

fat fat fat.

As I ran it reminded me that people can see my thick trunks of legs jiggling like

liquid as I moved. That they knew just as much as I do that I was the fatty of the class.

It was hell.

most nights I cried myself to sleep, holding myself tightly as the dark cloud of depression sunk in.

Eventually I would fall into the welcoming arms of sleep, being overly exhausted from the large sobs that would wrack my body.

In the mornings I would drag my heavy body out of my bed and put on this

impressive fake smile, stitching it there and keeping it for the rest of the day.

I would not eat anything all day, and Ignore the hunger pains.

some days the pains would be so immense that I would double over and try not to scream.

This has become my routine.

This is what has become of my life.

Never once a year ago would I have worried about weight.

Not once.

Sorry that this chapter is boring. I wanted to fill you in on how she has been doing. I'd love some feedback, anyone?




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