Chapter 4 - The Father of The Homunculi's Plan

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Crystal's POV

(Present Time)

I decide to look around and check our surroundings. I see all sorts of cables and darkness everywhere. I am worrying about what is going to happen to everybody. When I stop looking around, I notice that Izumi Curtis and the Elric Brothers are also looking around at their environment as well. 

"What did you guys see?" I asked them.

Edward said, "I saw some cables all scattered around the room. I think that I have been here before. I believe that we are probably sacrifices."

Izumi and I were shocked and curious.

I asked Edward, "What do you mean? What are we sacrifices for?"

Before he could answer me, I hear another scream from the ceiling. I stood up and saw my brother falling out of the ceiling. 

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" I screamed.

Edward asked, "What is it?"

I said, "Oh My God! Big Brother! What are you doing here?"

Edward then saw Colonel Mustang on the floor. He and I hurry to where he lay on the floor. 


In the next chapter

We will find out why these five alchemists are together and what the Father of the Homunculi's plan really is. 

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