Chapter 2

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Rose woke up to her door being opened. She was a light sleeper and easily scared, so when she heard the door open the girl jumped into a sitting position on her bed. 

"Get dress." Was all Tabitha told Rose before closing the bedroom door. "And then come downstairs."

"Morning to you too." Rose muttered quietly, trying to catch her breath from her mini heart attack. Rose got out of bed and got dress in a simple dark red long sleeve shirt and a black skirt before cleaning herself off a bit and heading downstairs like Tabitha told her too. 

"Ah, Rose, so nice of you to join us." Theo smiled at the sight of Rose coming down the stairs. The girl was confused what he meant by "us" until she saw what he meant. Six inmates, she recognized from the asylum, strapped to hand trucks. 

"What a surprise!" Jerome called out startling Rose into fear. "Our lovely volunteer lives here!" He started to laugh. 

"My day just got better." Rose slowly went to the safety of Tabitha. She didn't want to meet the hungry eyes of Greenwood, having known everything about his crimes from his files. She didn't understand why Theo wants the inmates, but now at least had a theory as to why her uncle was looking through the files. 

Why inmates? What's so useful about them? Rose thought to herself. She kept her eyes down and stayed near Tabitha as Theo talked to the inmates. 

"Miss. Kean will be coming with me." Rose looked up to see Richard Sionis walking towards the exit. 

"Oh, she doesn't want to go where your going." Theo stated. And like it was on cue, Tabitha's whip went flying. Latching itself around Sionis's throat Tabitha pulled on it, bringing the man down before marching over to him and straddling him. She pulled a knife out and repeatedly stabbed the inmate, going a little overboard with the kill. 

Rose, not liking the sight, looked away and covered her mouth. She felt like she was going to throw up at the sight of blood splattering on Greenwood and Tabitha's face. Without saying anything to anyone, the girl hurried up the stairs before locking herself in her bedroom. 


"Rose," the door opened without a response from the teenage girl. Tabitha looked in to see the petrified girl sitting on her bed. She closed the door behind her before leaning against it. "Your going to have to toughen up." 

'Thank you for saying that.' The girl thought to herself. "That's not me though." Rose quietly pointed out to her mother figure. "I gag at the sight of blood, the littlest things scare me, and I even get anxiety when Theo tells me he wants to talk later." She looked up to Tabitha with frightened eyes. "I'm the lamb living with lions, waiting for them to turn on me." 

Tabitha gave the girl an emotionless stare before immediately going through her clothes. "Your going on a little trip. I'll be there, but you won't see me. Nothing too bad will happen to you." 

Rose only watched Tabitha in confusion before flinching when she got hit in the face by a black sweatshirt. 

"Just don't get caught."  

Not getting caught was an easy thing for Rose. 

"What do we do with the spare?" The shaky Dobkins came out. Rose finally opened her eyes and stared at the poor innocent man who was nearing his death. She only watched as Jerome walked over to the man, and spray painted an exclamation point. 

"Aaron." Jerome smiled as he tossed away the spray paint and smiled. 

The largest man of the whole group carried the last person and threw him over the edge of the building, killing the man to make a statement. 

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