Chapter 5

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Now Rose knew not to expect much from Jerome. A psychotic 18 year old boy who was put into Arkham Asylum for matricide. When she would make her weekly visits to the asylum for volunteering, she would notice that the ginger would be the one that would hardly participate in what she tells them to do.

She now doesn't know how to feel, seeing the deranged boy everyday in the Galavan penthouse. The same deranged boy that would now try anything to please the girl.

"School's out of the picture." Tabitha told her when she walked into Rose's room.

"I made that assumption once there was the breakout at Arkham." Rose told Tabitha before picking up a book from her bed. She was quite surprise though that it took them, her and Theo, this long to tell Rose to stop with school. "And I'm supposed to stay in here? What about my classes?"

"Soon you'll have a normal life. No more insane people and none of this." Tabitha assured her the girl before walking away.

Rose wondered Tabitha meant. Did she not want this life for Rose? Those instincts a mother has to protect their daughter? The same way she snapped at Jerome for talking to Rose while Theo explained his master plan at day one.

The ginger hair girl sighed and walked out to the family room, feeling slightly terrified seeing all the escapees together and messing around with the things Theo kept around.

Jerome smiled as he pulled what seemed like a samurai sword out of its sheath. "Oh-" his smile went away when Greenwood took the sword away. "Give that back I saw it first."

Rose felt chills as Jerome seemed to have threaten the cannibal Greenwood. No doubt that Greenwood scared her the most. Even the childish drawings of him eating more women scared her. She kept those files in the back and had her teacher examine those.

"No you didn't." Greenwood seemed to have been playing around with the sword.

"Give it back."

"Make me you little brat." The sword got a little too close to Jerome's face, and Rose didn't like how either of them were completely calm. Why did Jerome had his signature smile plastered on his face?

Jerome complemented Greenwood and his "samurai skills" with an unknown accent before challenging him when he pulled out a chainsaw.

Rose quickly stood up, unsure of how she'll break up the two, but Theo came to the rescue demanding for the two to stop.

"Thank goodness uncle-" Rose started but stopped herself when it seemed obvious that she was invisible to all of them.

"We're a team, we don't fight amongst ourselves." Theo told both Jerome and Greenwood as he looked between the two.

"I don't know what your trying to do." Rose commented. "They were put in Arkham because they have problems and most likely don't do well with others."

Jerome's gaze flickered over to Rose before going back to Galavan and Greenwood. It was those small things that made the girl think there was a little human left in the teenage boy.

"And I'm the captain." Greenwood breathed sending the ginger boy a challenging stare.

Jerome dropped the chainsaw before insulting Greenwood by saying, "captain of my foot."

Greenwood went on about how he murdered a dozen women and terrorized the city. In Rose's eyes, he had issues with women. He had then insulted the "petty" crime Jerome committed that placed him in Arkham.

"Everybody has to start somewhere." The younger boy defended himself. Rose took note on how he spoke, and thought it seemed different from when he's speaking in front of crowds or even the few short conversations they had between each other.

Jerome then went on, building himself up while insulting Greenwood at the same time. Rose could hear the shaking in Jerome's voice and could almost tell that a break down could possibly be happening soon.

"I can see that we're gonna have to resolve this once and for all." Theo said and pulled a gun out.

"What are you doing?" Rose felt done with analyzing everything and wanted to be part of what was happening. She felt uneasy when the man took out all the bullets, only to keep one bullet for the gun and made sure it was in a random bullet hole that know one knew which one.

"You all know this game?" Galavan asked.

"Uncle you can't!" Rose finally called out. "You still need them. It's going to be stupid to lose one over one disagreement."

"Glad to know that you care flower." Jerome smiled over to her, making Rose feel nervous and her cheeks heat up. "Ladies first." He breathed and looked to Greenwood to take the first shot.

There was an unsettling silence as Greenwood took the gun and placed the barrel of the gun right against his head. Rose flinched with him when the trigger was pulled and there was the click sound. One round down.

There was an animal like smile on his face as he handed the gun over to Jerome who seemed to have an innocent smile, but was composed. It was like he had something planned out in his head.

"Hey Greenwood, what's the secret to good comedy?" He asked casually and placed the barrel against his head. He pulled the trigger and didn't flinch unlike Rose. The boy remained calm as he answered his own question. "Timing." He had his usual smile, the one Rose would see everyday, plastered on his face.

"And what's courage?" He hoarsely asked as he placed the barrel against his cheek. The smile went away showing the boy who killed his mother. "Grace under pressure." He answered his own question after he pulled the trigger, still hasn't flinched once yet. The smile that was once on Greenwood's face was disappearing.

"And," He slowly put the barrel underneath his chin and darkly asked, "who's the boss?" He had a dark face as he glared at Greenwood and pulled the trigger not flinching at all whereas Greenwood blinked his eyes. "I'm the boss." He whispered and let out a deep terrifying laugh.

Rose, who had enough of this nonsense, gripped her book and stormed up the stairs to her room. Jerome briefly looked at her, long enough to see the frustration and anger mixed on her face when she exited before thanking Galavan in Japanese and taking the samurai sword for Greenwood.


Rose stared at the blank piece of paper with a tight grip her pencil. All she wanted to do was draw something, but her brain was scattered. Every part of it was thinking about something else; one part was analyzing the actions between the escapees, one part was analyzing her own behavior, another part was trying to come up with something to draw, and the last part was fixed on Jerome.

"Knock knock," Jerome smiled and walked into Rose's room not waiting for a response from her. He collapsed in a black chair across from her bed and stared at the girl. "You seemed persistent to end the little game earlier."

"Sorry for not wanting to have brain matter on the windows and walls." Rose spat out and kept her eyes trained on the paper in front of her. "Why would you even do that? Risk your life for something as stupid as being the boss?"

"Because I'm proving something." Jerome's fun tone was replaced with a more darker one that made the girl nervous and scared about looking up to see him.

Finally inspiration came to the girl and she slowly started sketching. "Just please be careful. I don't know what I'd do without seeing you."

Jerome let out one of his famous laughs before jumping onto Rose's bed, forcing himself between her legs. "It's not that easy to get rid of me." He moved the drawing pad and the pencil away from Rose, so all of her attention was on him.

Jerome latched a hand behind the girl's neck before aggressively kissing her. The teenage boy within him was dancing a bit when Rose did kiss back. That moment was quickly ruined by the sound of heels clicking against the floor and Rose pushed Jerome off of her.

Rose relaxed a little bit when the clicking faded away and she ran her fingers through her hair. "Secret relationship," Jerome laughed getting the attention of a confused Rose. "I can handle that."


-lokiobsessed made the new gif (changed on 4/17/2019) and they did an amazing job. Thank you again for making this gif

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