Chapter 6

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"We need more food and I need art supplies." Rose had told both Theo and Tabitha as she headed up stairs to her room to get shoes, her purse and her wallet. "And I mean real food. I refuse to eat another donut or something sugary for breakfast, lunch and dinner."

After not hearing a response when she went back down stairs, Rose started looking around the penthouse for anyone.

"Theo? Tabitha?" Rose called out as she walked into rooms and seeing no one. 'Anyone?' She thought to herself, slightly wishing that even one of the inmates were in the apartment. She slowly walked back out to the living room realizing they for once, she was alone in the penthouse.

"Groceries, and then art supplies." Rose told herself as she wrote a note before heading to the elevator.


"Would you like help carrying these?"

"Yes please," Rose smiled as she placed her credit card in her wallet before placing the wallet in her purse. A worker walked over, grabbing bags for Rose before following her outside, where the girl hailed a taxi.

The ginger girl thanked him before giving him a tip and getting inside the taxi, heading back to the penthouse.

She looked into her medium size brown bag, double checking to make sure she had all the markers, brushes, paints and drawing pads she wanted. She had spent more time at the art store than the grocery store, creating a hope inside of her that she'll be able to draw or paint something that night.

"Thank you," Rose smiled at the taxi driver when he dropped her off at the penthouse. The front desk man helped the girl carry groceries up, where the penthouse was still empty. She was growing nervous, as it was rare when she was ever home alone. Even for prolong periods.

She played the radio throughout the house, filling the quiet home with its calming music. She still had an uneasy feeling about the empty house.

She was starting to wish someone else was home. Anyone. The music wasn't helping. Sure it created sound within the penthouse, but there was no physical presence that she knew of.

"We're back!"

Rose screeched as she jumped ten feet into the air when the doors burst open as Jerome waltzed right it with Greenwood and Aaron followed behind him. Tabitha shoved passed them, carrying her sniper bag.

"Whatca cookin' for us doll?" Both Tabitha and Jerome glared at Greenwood's choice of words while Rose just uncomfortably calmed herself down. She finally took notice that the timid Dobkins wasn't in the room at all.

"Where's Dobkins?" Rose looked to Tabitha, knowing that the woman wouldn't hold back on the truth.


It broke the girl's heart a little bit to hear that. Out of most of the inmates living with her, Donkins seemed to be the most safest choice to be around, even if there was a small possibility of him resorting to old habits.

Rose only nodded in response before putting the last of the groceries away and heading up to her bedroom. In her mind, Dobkins needed a proper memorial. Or at least something to be remembered by. So with the door closed and music playing and her newly purchased items all in their respectful place on her desk, the girl got straight to work.


Rose stared at the painting in front of her. In her mind it seemed chaotic. But then again, she wondered if that's what went on in Dobkin's mind; chaos.

She looked over to her school bag where the files were before grabbing Dobkin's file. She flipped it open, making her way to her bed and getting comfortable as she read through the same words she has read many times.

The door bursted open much later, snatching the attention of Rose from the files. She sighed a bit watching as Jerome waltzed in and closed the door behind him.

"Evening my flower," he smiled grabbing the file from Rose and tossing it over his shoulder.

"Jerome stop," the ginger girl demanded, leaning away from him as he leaned forward. She looked down at her comforter, nervous at the thought of Jerome's expression to her demand. "Last night-"

"So it was all a joke?" Rose squeezed her eyes shut as Jerome interrupted her. She's always concern for the safety of him, as Jerome doesn't seem to make the safest choices.

"No Jerome it's-" she was cut off by Jerome smashing his lips onto her's. Not able to handle it, Rose pushed him off of her before scrambling off of her bed and standing close to the wall, holding herself as she stared at the expressionless Jerome.

"Ok, ok," Jerome sighed before laying down on Rose's bed. "Go on, tell me your thoughts."

Rose didn't know how to put her thoughts into words. How she saw it was, Jerome was incapable of loving someone other than himself. For all she knew, this was all just lust or hormones and she could possibly be dead in a ditch within a week. But how does she say that without jeopardizing her life?

"Your too obvious my flower," Rose stared at Jerome with confusion. Were her thoughts that obvious? "And it's good that you have fear," as Jerome got off of her bed and approached her, Rose could only tense up. She was frozen in place, unable to move her legs like her mind was screaming at her to do.

"Because then you'll know how to survive. Just do whatever am I right?" His voice grew deeper as he got closer to the girl, only inches separating them. "But don't worry my pretty flower," he brushed his fingers against Rose's cheek. "I'll be there to protect you."

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