Chapter Two|Potions on Crack

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Leah was awake after the welcoming feast. She had chosen to not eat anything, as she didn't want to feel heavy. A biscuit had sufficed her hunger and she managed to vanish the food from her plate without her friends noticing.

Her wand was lit, a book was open, and her curtains on her four poster were drawn. She began her first lesson with professor Snape tomorrow and she wanted to retain as much information as possible in order to not embarrass herself.

Suddenly, she heard a loud crash downstairs and Marisol was awoken.

"Is anybody in here besides Leah awake?" Leah stuck her head out the curtain and glanced at a messy haired Marisol.

"Just me. Would you like me to accompany you to your prefect duties?" Marisol nodded and Leah stood up from her bed.

As the two went downstairs, another crash sounded along with laughter and sniggering.

Marisol was not happy when she saw the scene, but Leah just stared blankly at the situation.

The twins and Lee Jordan were sitting in the common room playing exploding snap. They had played this game on the way to the school whilst on the train. It took them a lot of convincing to get Leah in the game, because she only desired to read.

"Iverson! Rose! Come join our game of exploding snap." Leah shook her head while Marisol scoffed.

"As a Gryffindor prefect, I command you to go to your dormitory at once!" The twins laughed while Lee just kind of stared at her.

"No way, Iverson. We're getting in our last bit fun before the school year kicks off." Marisol crossed her arms while Leah studied how Lee looked at Marisol. She recognized it as want or greed, but it didn't matter as Marisol made a threat.

"I will go get the head boy if I must!" The twins groaned while Lee just dropped his gaze.

"Not Percy! We'll go to sleep if you just don't threat us with Percy anymore." Marisol nodded and watched carefully as the three went up the stairs. After Leah and Marisol returned to their dormitory, Leah offered a sleeping draught to Marisol. She drank down the potion and was out within minutes.

Leah was awake until about three quarters to two before she finally closed the book, turned out her wand, and fell asleep gracefully.

Fred and George Weasley were sitting on Fred's four poster bed with the curtains drawn. They didn't want anyone to hear their mischievous plan. Not even Lee as he might get some deranged ideas.

They would need to be careful, as anyone who wasn't looking out could fall into the trap.

"What if we freeze the ice as they step in the water? Wouldn't that be smarter?" George began to write the idea in the book of jokes, but Fred stopped him immediately.

"No, that would freeze their shoes as well. We have to freeze it right before they step on it." George nodded and crossed out the previous idea.

"And about the pumpkin juice, we get it from the kitchens, correct?" Fred nodded and George made a side note in the book. They smirked at each other knowing exactly what was about to happen.

"This is going to be great." The two of them spoke in unison before dispersing into their proper beds and going to sleep.

Leah skipped breakfast, knowing that it would make her feel tired during her potions lesson. She was on her way to the dungeons as she would start her private lessons today.

Most students would be nervous about having class with Snape, but Leah wasn't. The man particularly liked her since she was so advanced.

"Good morning, professor." The man looked up from his desk to see her setting down her box of equipment and ingredients. He let a small smile form on his lips as she looked up at him.

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