Chapter Twenty-Three|The Little Things

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The scent filling the dorm room made Leah feel so relaxed, yet so giddy. She was absolutely loving her new Fred scented candle. It refreshed her by being simply lit whenever she pleased.

The day after Christmas was a bit of a drag for most students. Everyone was coming down from the high of Christmas excitement.

Calm days were Leah's favorite days. She could get a lot of things done and was always in a great mood.

As she laid on her bed basking in the scent of her gift, she had no worries. Things were wonderful.

But Alicia was frustrated. She paced the room while grunting every now and then.

"Why don't you just kiss him?" Alicia asked frustratedly.

Leah was calm and serene when she answered.

"I don't want to rush things."

Alicia sighed and shrugged. It's not like she could do anything about Leah's choice.

Her choice did make sense, after all.

"I see where you're coming from, but it's just so frustrating to see you guys act all cutesy and then not even be dating!"
Alicia exclaimed.

Leah grinned and looked over at her friend.

"I know that when the right time comes, something will happen. Maybe I'm just going insane and he doesn't actually like me. Daydreaming perhaps." Leah said.

Alicia's mouth gaped open. She could not believe what he friend had just said.

"You exhaust me, you know that? I'm going to go get a snack."

Alicia then stomped out of the dorm leaving Leah all alone.

Since it was a calm day, she had no plans to leave the dorm. However, something told Leah that she should go to the common room.

Perhaps that thing telling her was the sound of exploding snap down the stairs.

Leah stood up and blew out her candle. She put on her slippers and made her way down to the common room to see Lee, Fred, and George as always.

"Oi, Leah! Do you want to come play with us?" Lee asked with a smile on his face.

Fred turned and looked at Leah. With a grin on her face, she nodded. She approached the table and sat down next to Fred.

"I don't exactly know how to play." she said nervously.

"That's alright, we'll teach you!"

"Hi." a voice said from a few feet away.

Leah turned to see Ginny Weasley looking at her with curious eyes.

"Hello, Ginny. Can I help you?" Leah asked.

Ginny turned red and looked away for a moment. Leah frowned in confusion, not really knowing what was going on.

"I, erm, need some help again." Ginny said. "With potions."

Leah grinned and stood up out of her seat. She approached the young Weasley girl and sat down next to her.

"What does Snape have you working on right now? You're a second year, right?" Leah asked.

Ginny frantically nodded.

"I don't know what we're working on, it all seems the same to me." Ginny said.

"Well don't be ashamed of that. Lucky for you, potions are my specialty."

The two sat on a couch and began working through Ginny's struggles. Leah seemed as if she could talk for hours and hours without taking a single breath.

George slowly descended down the stairs to see Leah pointing out things to his sister from a textbook. He frantically, but quietly ran back upstairs.

Fred nearly jumped as the door to their room bust open.

"Freddie, you'll like this! Come look!" his brother exclaimed.

Fred followed George without a second thought and they made their way down the stairs.

The sight of Leah teaching Ginny was enough to make a deep blush creep onto Fred's face.

He had always known just how passionate she was about potions, but seeing her teach in real-time was a different experience.

Her eyes shone brighter than the stars and her lips moved quickly as she rambled on.

"I might be in love." Fred whispered.

George's eyes widened and he turned to his brother.

"What was that?" he asked in slight shock.

Fred shook his head and made his way back up the stairs.

"Nothing." he said, leaving George's view.

George smirked and shook his head. He started following Fred back up the stairs.

"Yeah, right."

Later that evening, Leah retreated to her room to find a little note on her bed. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she made her way over.

"Little present from a special little birdie." Alicia said, scaring Leah.

"Good god, Alicia, I didn't even know you were in here!" Leah exclaimed. "So who's it from?"

"Well, I delivered it, but you need to read the note to find out." she said deviously as if she had done a bad thing.

Leah picked it up and scanned the note. The handwriting was instantly recognizable leaving a smile to slowly creep onto her face.

Thank you for helping Ginny with potions. She really struggles with it, unlike her awesome older brothers.

Leah stopped reading and rolled her eyes. Of course, he would say that despite the fact that she helped the twins with their potions assignments.

It's been a great holiday, and I cherish your gift. Consider what's in the box a thank you gift.


Leah set down the note and opened the tiny box that was next to it. A small pastry rested in it, clearly from the great hall.

It wasn't some grand gesture, it wasn't some extravagant extra Christmas gift.

But she didn't mind. She loved it the same.

Because to Leah, it was the little things that made Fred so special to her.

yeah, im still alive. yeah, this story isn't over.

here's food. bye.

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