Chapter Seven|An Overdue Letter

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Leah and Fred have managed to talk about random topics for the past half hour. They had relaxed into the bay window seat watching the rain and conversing.

"So, I have a question." said the boy.

"I'll be glad to answer."

"How are you able to walk into Snape's classroom and just sit there at his desk like it's nothing?" asked Fred.

Leah sighed and began her explanation.

"My aunt is a potions master, so she basically trained me, getting me ahead of the curve. Snape liked my progression and I now take lessons with him. I'm his prodigy, and he treats me like a favorite."

Fred sat there with his mouth wide open. He was shocked to learn that Snape actually had a favorite.

"So does he give you a perfect grade? Do you even go to any kind of class?" asked Fred.

Leah lightly laughed and responded. "Well, he usually just submits perfect marks for me. I take lessons in his private study, not really as a class, more as a mentorship. So, I don't have a potions class as I managed to get ahead of even the seventh years." She thoroughly explained, Fred managed to catch every word.

"Wait, then why is it you told us that you were taking seventh year potions?" Fred asked, recalling something about a month ago.

"Ah well most people don't understand a general explanation of lessons, and instead just focus on 'Well Snape's bloody horrible!'" she said mockingly. "Severus is quite alright if you just happen to be his favorite."

Fred scoffed in astonishment and Leah looked confused. "You're on first name terms with Snape! Merlin's beard, that's crazy!"

The two then laughed together while the rain continued to pour. Fred then stopped laughing and wiped his chin with his sleeve.

"So, listen, d'you want to go to Hogsmeade with George and myself? You can bring your friends too, maybe we could all walk around together." Fred looked at her as she shyly tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

Leah took in a breath and grinned. "Yeah, we can join you, I'd like that."

The two kept bashfully looking at each other and grinning.

Leah and Fred were enjoying each other's company.

Over the next week, Leah and Fred's friend group began to come a bit closer. They would sit with each other at study hall and occasionally breakfast. Occasionally, Leah would tutor the group in the common room on any subject they needed help with.

It was a silent study hall today and Snape was the supervisor. They all sat together silently passing notes, doing their best not to get caught.

George wrote a note on a piece of paper and passed it around.

Hogsmeade tomorrow?

Everyone looked at him and nodded with smiles.

Fred and George soon grew fearful as Snape walked up behind Leah with his arms crossed.

"Passing notes, Gryffindors?"

Leah's head shot up and she turned around.

"Professor! We're really sorry we'll get to work straight away." said Leah.

The rest of them sat there, anticipating Snape's response.

Severus looked down at the girl and saw her just gazing up at him. He swallowed a breath and walked away without another word.

"You're joking!" Lee whispered "Snape just walked away! No points, no insults, nothing!"

Leah shrugged and put her quill back to her paper, but not before she caught Fred smirking at her.

She sent him a wink and he sent one back. They both chuckled and continued their work happily.

Leah decided to take a walk to the owlery by herself. She had been channeling so much happiness lately, but couldn't find any tears.

She thought this might be because she was feeling genuine happiness. There was no catch to any good thing, it was just pure happiness going around.

Leah liked to often visit just to hand out owl treats. Everyone's owls were rather nice and loving when she gave them treats.

Just as she arrived, her owl did as well. Two separate letters were placed in her hand.

One she recognized because it was her aunt's handwriting. The other one she didn't recognize.

Leah opened that one first, and almost immediately did her face fall.


This letter is only to let you know that we have moved houses. If you even find it necessary to come back here, the address is 5515 Newburry Drive.

Please know that it is alright if you decide not to come back. We will leave your things in boxes if you would like to leave once you return. Feel free to have us ship them to any place other than here.

-Mr. and Mrs. Rose

Leah sighed as she realized her parents were wanting her out of the house. They couldn't let her finish her years of schooling before they banished her for good.

She placed the letter on the ground and stepped back.

"Incendio." she muttered. The letter caught on fire and ceased to exist within seconds.

Leah then opened the second letter, hoping for something better.

Dearest Leah,

I hope you've had a good term so far. I've been in contact with your professors and they tell me you have been making great progress.

Your mother wrote me explaining how she would like me to take you into my household. I apologize that this is happening, I wish it weren't. This summer, I will be conducting a research team at Uagadou School of Magic. Feel free to use my flat in Bristol, I will mail you a key towards the end of the second term.

Please write me when you get the chance, I miss you very much.

Aunt Starlett

While it did make Leah feel better that she had somewhere to go, Starlett wouldn't be home. She was going off to see the largest school of magic in the world and work for them as well.

She looked up from the letter and saw Dumbledore standing there.

"Headmaster," she said.

"Miss Rose, I see you've gotten a letter. I apologize for asking, but what ever will you do after second term?" asked the wise man.

Leah sighed once again. "I'll rent a small flat in Diagonal Alley, I make enough money. Maybe stay with a friend for a bit, I have yet to make a plan."

Dumbledore quietly nodded. "Muggle parents, correct?"

Leah nodded.

"I'm sorry you don't receive the love and support most students do." he said. "It shouldn't be that way."

"But I do receive the love and support, Headmaster. I have the most incredible aunt and mentor, great friends, and I have this school."

Dumbledore smiled proudly at Leah.

"What more could I possibly have?"

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