Chapter Six|Messy

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Leah sat down at a table within the great hall, looking for a good snack.

She reached for a cherry pastry that looked too good to ignore. After setting it on a plate in front of her, it suddenly exploded.

Egg yolk and cherry filling flew everywhere. Her face was covered along with her jumper and chair.

A gasp escaped her lips and she heard snickering close by.

"Weasleys!" she exclaimed in her head.

Fred and George now stood behind the girl, awaiting a reaction.

Fred was worried. Would she never speak to him again? What if she got them in trouble?

But much to their surprise, she began laughing. Leah had begun giggling and wiping the mess from her eyes.

The boys giggled with her, drawing attention to them.

Angelina walked in to see her best friend laughing with the two biggest dorks. She ran over to the now messy girl and stood before the boys.

"How dare you mess with Leah! She never did anything to do, now look at her! She's a mess!" Angelina turned to her friend who was now upset. "Let's go, Leah. Let's get you cleaned up."

Angelina took Leah's arm, but Leah stood her ground. "Angelina, it's alright. It was just a joke."

Leah then looked at Fred who had been standing in front of her.

They just stared at each other. Fred looked at the girl, covered in egg yolk and cherry filling. She didn't look any less than usual even with an exploded pastry all over her.

Leah took a close look at Fred for the first time. She could easily tell him apart from his brother, he had a different aura about him. His long hair looked soft and his eyes made her warm. He was actually quite attractive, much to her surprise.

George and Angelina just confusedly witnessed the scene. They didn't know what to do with their best friends.

"D'you know what's happening? Why are they looking at each other like that?" Angelina leaned over and whispered to George. The boy simply shrugged.

"I dunno. I've never seen him like this." he whispered back.

Angelina simply pulled Leah away by her arm, snapping her out of her trance. They headed back to the dormitory, leaving the twins to stand there.

After Leah took a shower and got dressed again, Angelina took to questioning her.

"Would you like to tell me what the bloody hell that was about?" Angelina put her hands on her hips and paced while Leah just towels down her hair.

"About what? I don't understand?"

Angelina rolled her eyes at the girl and crossed her arms. "You know what I'm talking about, Leah. You and Fred giving each other the eyes after he literally covered you with egg!"

Leah simply shrugged and dried out her hair easily. "It was just a joke, Angie. Also, Fred and I were not eyeing each other, I dunno what you're talking about."

Before Angelina could even respond, Leah waltzed through the door and left.

The quidditch player stood there dumbfounded, shocked that she wasn't able to get it out of her friend.

Leah and Marisol sat in the stands during quidditch practice. Angelina and Alicia flew around the field as the team scrimmaged. Leah wrote in her research journal while Marisol continued knitting her blanket.

"It's nice for the school year to finally settle into a steady pace. Not that you've had a problem with it, Leah." said Marisol.

"Oh hush, Marisol. You know I'm willing to tutor you any time." replied Leah.

Leah then looked up at the airspace where the quidditch players flew. She saw her friends flying around fiercely, and then she saw Fred.

He was waving a bat around hunting down bludgers. His red hair was flying everywhere although the wind wasn't particularly violent.

Fred then turned his head and looked down at her. He smiled and waved to her, leaving Leah to grin back.

"What was that all about?" asked Marisol. Leah looked over and shrugged.

"We're friends." she responded coolly. Leah immediately returned to her work, leaving Marisol to just wonder.

Lee Jordan was bored.

He was lounging on a big chair in the common room, in front of the chess board. Of course the chess could play against him, but he just felt lonely.

Suddenly, Prefect Marisol walked down the stairs with a book in her arm. She looked over at him and stopped to observe him for a moment.

"Are you just sitting there, Jordan?" she asked.

Lee noticed she straightened her posture, stuck her head up, and then flipped her hair back.

"Yes, I've just got nothing to do lately." he responded.

Marisol glanced down at the chessboard and sighed. She purses her lips together and pulled up a stool to the table.

Without even speaking, Marisol made the first move. Lee observed and began thinking strategically.

"Alright, Prefect. Get ready to get smoked."

Leah and Alicia decided to walk to the great hall for some snacks. Once they reached the common room, Leah continued walking until Alicia stopped her.

She motioned to Marisol who was sitting as properly as possible whilst playing chess with Lee Jordan.

They sat and observed for a moment, neither of the two players noticing.

"Oh, I know the perfect winning move for Marisol." Leah whispered as she started forward to go make it.

Before she could, however, Alicia grabbed her arm to pull her away.

"Leave them be, Leah. They're obviously focused." Alicia said.

"Oh please, what could they be so focused on?" complained Leah.

"Each other, of course, now let's go!"

The next morning, it rained. Leah found herself sitting in the bay window of an outdoor corridor, watching the rain fall upon the castle.

It surprised her when someone walked up to the window she was sitting in.

"D'you mind if I sit here?" asked the redhead.

"No, not at all."

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