Twenty-One|Another Weasley

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Fred woke up in a daze the next morning. He managed to have a dream that he and Leah had been to Hogsmeade together once more as a couple. The moment he sat up he smiled like a fool and struggled to focus on anything at all.

"Snap out of it already, Fred. George literally might slap you if you don't stop it." Lee nearly snapped.

"What do you mean? Where is George?" Fred groggily asked as he climbed out of his bed.

Lee simply shrugged. "I believe he's out on a run."

The remaining twin stretched out and took in many deep breaths.

"D'you know where Leah is, by chance?"

That's when Lee smirked and began gathering his things. He turned to Fred as he stood in the doorway.

"I believe she's with your sister."

Fred's eyebrow's furrowed as he changed into a pair of loose jeans and a striped polo.

"With Ginny?"

"So when doing this wrist movement, try to keep it as small and fluid as possible. That way you can get a purposeful charm without being too harsh or soft."

Ginny watched in amazement as Leah cast a very focused and precise freezing charm. Leah's glass bottle of water swiftly froze over. The young Weasley found herself amazed by the gifted student beside her.

Ginny, however, had no idea that her brother was 'seeing' her tutor. Ginny simply went to the person Professor Flitwick had recommended. Naturally Ginny was a bit shocked when Fred waltzed in and slung a lazy arm around Leah's shoulders.

"Ginny, what're you doing hanging out with Rose, now?" Fred then turned his head to Leah and gave a small grin to her. He then jumped as Leah softly wrapped her arm around his back, leaving her hand on his waist.

"She's my tutor, Fred! Now go away, I'm trying to learn charms!" Ginny then put her wand up and cast a freezing charm at her jar of water.

Leah and Fred flinched in unison as it quickly turned into a jelly substance. Ginny sighed in defeat and dropped her wand. "I can't do this!" she said painfully. Ginny then proceeded to sit on the floor and put her head down.

Leah broke away from Fred's hold and moved over to his sister. The older girl kneeled down and began to gently rub Ginny's back. Fred watched as his sister listened to his...

Friend? Girlfriend? Fred decided to just call her 'romantic-friend' for the time being, but eventually, he would ask her to be his girlfriend.

"Hey, I get that it gets a bit difficult sometimes, but if you don't keep trying, you're never going to see how much potential you truly have." Leah said. Ginny sniffled and wiped a few tears from her face. "Now why don't we get up, take a deep breath, and try again?"

Ginny nodded and stood up with the help of Leah. The young Weasley picked up her wand and began to gather herself. Leah walked back over to Fred and stood with him in observance of his sister. What she didn't understand was that Fred was observing her.

He was absolutely amazed by her educating skills.

Ginny then looked at the jar and cast the charm. It froze over with ease exactly as Leah's did earlier. She then excitedly squealed, causing Fred to flinch once more. Leah took in a sigh of relief and gave a nod of approval.

"Look at you, Professor Rose educating the future of the wizarding world." Fred said as he playfully nudged her. Leah shook her head.

"No, educating isn't really my thing. I only try to help around." Leah responded. She then stepped forward and patted Ginny on the back. "Alright good job! That'll be all for today, but if you need more help I am definitely available after Christmas. Got a little project I'm working on."

Ginny excitedly nodded and scurried to the stairway, leaving her frozen jar.

Fred raised a brow at his romantic-friend as she gathered her things. "What kind of project are we talking here, Rose? Anything particularly interesting?"

Leah slung her bag over her shoulder and stepped in front of Fred. They stood close together and she smirked at him.

"You'll find out soon enough, Fred, just find a little patience."

Fred almost gasped as she went up on to the tip of her toes and kissed him on the cheek. She then proceeded to walk up the stairs towards the girls' dorms. Fred simply stood still and stared at the wall as his cheeks flushed every shade of red.

"Fred, are you and Rose boyfriend and girlfriend?" a sudden voice popped out from behind the nearby staircase.

Fred froze as he had no idea what to respond with. He hoped that this wouldn't happen. He wished that this information had no chance of getting back to his family at home.

"Oh, dear Merlin... Ginny, I-"

Leah spent countless hours in the bay of her window creating new concoctions and scribbling notes in her coveted book of potions. Alicia sat on her bed, peacefully studying when she looked a little closer at the separate book next to Leah on the ground.

The book was a soft dark brown, almost coffee-colored and had a sharp gold lining on the edges. The book's condition was flawless and much unlike Leah's large and messy book.

"Oi, Leah. What's that fancy notebook sitting next to you?" Alicia pointed as if Leah was looking at her, which she wasn't. Leah's eyes did not leave the workspace.

"It's a Christmas gift." she dryly responded.

"For who?"

Leah didn't even flinch or pause when Alicia asked who. She felt as if she was going to have to get used to hearing Fred's name if they continued to be close. The prodigy only figured she might as well start now.

"That's not relevant." Leah said. Alicia frowned and shook her head. While Leah has most definitely changed this year, she was still her cold, distant, and somewhat emotionally stale self half of the time. While she acted less like this now, it was still definitely her usual demeanor.

"Alright, whatever you say."

"Ginny, do not tell mum and dad! I don't need them going mad over this."

"Freddie has a girlfriend! Freddie has a girlfriend!" Ginny exclaimed in a singsong voice. Fred just frustratedly pacer as his sister teased on.

George just stood a few feet away from the scene watching it all unfold.

The Weasley twins and the youngest Weasley stood on the grass patch next to the river. George leaned against a tree while Fred chased Ginny playfully, yet frustratedly.

"I'm going to write mum and dad!"


George decided it was about time to step in.

"Alright, Ginny. If you agree not to tell mum and dad, Freddie and I will do your chores for a month once we go home after this year. Do we have a deal?"

Ginny froze and Fred just looked between his two siblings, awaiting whatever was next.

"And I want five galleons." Ginny added.

"You've got a deal!" Fred exclaimed. The twins set up for a three-way handshake, and Ginny shook both of their hands at the same time without question.

"I want my galleons before curfew!" The young girl then skipped off to the castle, leaving her brothers.

Fred took a large exhale while George crosses his arms, feeling like a hero.

"Thank you, George. You really saved my arse."

George just continued to stare into the distance of the lake and nod with style.

"Yes. Yes, I did."

A/N: it's been a very long time. i hope you enjoy this chapter. a quick note. regardless of where you are, social distancing is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. please stay at home and do not get into larger crowds. avoid supermarkets and any public gatherings. there are tons of online options and never forget about wattpad (i do in fact have many stories on my profile). stay safe and WASH YOUR HANDS/STAY AT HOME.

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